A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Colossians 4:2 - Steadfast in Thanksgiving

Photo credit:www.slideshare.net


As a new season rolls in, help me father to continue in prayer.
I want to be steadfast in the business of prayer, help me so that the cares of the world will not snuff out the fire of prayer in Jesus name.
Father help me to be watchful in prayer devoting myself to appreciating and thanking you in every situation in Jesus mighty name.

Jeremiah 30:19 - A heart of Thanksgiving

Photo credit:newlife.com


Every day by your grace, thanksgiving will continually come out of my mouth. My heart will always find reasons to praise you in Jesus name.
I pray joy and merriment will envelope me as I decide to dwell in your presence in Jesus name.
As I thank you I pray for multiplication on all sides. I ask for your glory to rest upon me.
I receive a great destiny that will come to pass speedily in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Friday, December 25, 2015

Isaiah 9:6 - Jesus Christ

Photo credit:versaday.com


Thank you father for giving us your son. He continues to govern the whole world.
Indeed he has been wonderful in every area of my life.
He provides me counsel at all times, mighty things are his bread and butter. He makes ways where there seems to be no way. He is my defence, my Rock and my salvation.
He is the everlasting One and He has provided me peace. Thank you again.

Friday, December 18, 2015

2 Corinthians 12:9 - Exchange weakness for Strength

Photo credit:www.thefellowshipsite.org


I ask that you see me through every situation that comes my way.
I ask that you steer me towards living in your grace in Jesus name.
Help me father to see that only by complete dependence on you can I receive your strength.
Thank you father in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Psalm 138:3 - Inner Strength from God

Photo creditquotesgram.com


Let there be a desire in me to call on you at all times.
Hear my cry as I call on you today.
Sometimes I am weak with fear, make me bold in all areas of my life.
All power belongs to you, I receive inner strength to fight and succeed in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Psalm 18:29 - Victory through Jesus Christ

Photo creditherchristianhome.com

Thank you for giving me the strength to run through and pursue every agent of darkness standing against me.
Every troop against me are all disgraced in Jesus name.
Thank you for lifting me over and above every adversary in Jesus name.
I move forward this day knowing that whatever is standing in my way will be defeated by the power of God in me in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Psalm 29:11 - I ask for Strength

Photo credit: wallpaper4god.com


I ask for strength to run the race set before me for you are the Omnipotent God.
I ask for strength to tarry in the place of prayer for Jesus Christ set the example.
Grant me the overcomers anointing in Jesus mighty name.

Let your peace reign over me for Jesus is the Prince of peace. Amen

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Matthew 12:37 - Justified by my Words


Lord this is clear that all the words I have said and all I say will have an impact on where I end up.
I ask for mercy because of my words in the past that will bring condemnation.
Help me Lord to process my words in my heart before I speak.
My goal is to make heaven. Help me in every area of my life in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, November 2, 2015

Luke 9:29 - Beholding His Glory

Photo credit: www.outsetministry.org


As Jesus prayed to the father, I want to pray. Help me my father and my God.
I desire a time of prayer which becomes an encounter with the God of heaven and earth.

No man encounters you and remains the same. Let your glory rest upon me in a very visible way in Jesus name. Amen

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Jeremiah 4:3-4 - Breaking Fallow Ground

For thus saith the LORD to the men of Judah and Jerusalem, Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns. Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings. 


Lord help me as I determine to put an end to unprofitable activity in my life. Help me father to identify things that I should be doing urgently and steer me to get on with them.
At the same time I ask for fire to burn off the thorns that choke my efforts in Jesus name.
Help me father as my heart must receive your word and respond to it.

Help me father so that any evil in my doings must come to an end in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Isaiah 46:10 - His word comes to pass

Photo credit: bibleencyclopedia.com


Almighty God, I bow in surrender to you. I bow because you are before the beginning, therefore nothing can catch you unawares.
Almighty God, your counsel stands for all you happens for you are powerful and all knowing. In all your power you are faithful and you are true.
Help me LORD as I desire to surrender to your will and your counsel. I pray my father that your word accomplishes its purpose in my life in Jesus name.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Matthew 24:4-5 - I will not be led astray


Help me father by your spirit to discern agents of the devil out to lead me astray. Help me to see through the sweet words and the fake miracles that are designed by them.
It is my responsibility to discern good from evil. Help me to develop a lasting relationship with you such that I will not be snared by the enemy.
Help me father to weigh everything I encounter by your unfailing words in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, October 19, 2015

Isaiah 40:7-8 - The Word is Forever


Almighty God, there is nothing in heaven or on the earth that can withstand your power.
I ask that the Holy spirit blows upon me today your godliness so I can live in the way and manner that is satisfactory to you.
In the same manner let everything in my life that does not glorify you be blown away from me permanently in Jesus name.
Help me LORD to recognise that everything will pass away but your word will stand forever. Help me LORD to cling unto the only thing that is sure – your word in Jesus mighty name.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Romans 1:28 - You are Almighty

Photo credit: www.knowing-jesus.com


Help me Lord to honour you and to glorify you. Help me Lord to recognise you and give you thanks for everything in my life.
Claiming wisdom in my own self is exhibiting foolishness, therefore open my eyes to acknowledge you as my source.
Help me Lord not to fall for the lies of the enemy in every area including homosexuality in Jesus name.
I am your child and by grace I will remain so for ever. There will be no reason for you to give up on me in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Psalm 147: 14 - Let there be Peace

Photo credit: www.crossmap.com


Let there be peace all around me. In my home, within my extended family, in my Church, in my business and on my job let there be peace. Let there be peace in my going out and my coming in, in Jesus name. Your word says “Be still and know that I am God”. Let it be so O Lord.
Let there be peace in my nation. Let there be an end to wicked government policies against the people in Jesus name.
Let me enjoy all the blessings associated with the gospel. Fill me till I want no more for you are the bread of life.
As you fill me spiritually, fill me with all I need physically too this day in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Psalm 147:5-6 - Almighty God


I bow before you Almighty God. Out of nothing you created the heavens and the earth. There has been no need for repairs or maintenance. Blessed be your Holy Name.
Death could not hold your son, he snatched the keys from satan and we are free.
You understand everything that was and everything that is to come. Nothing can surprise you.

As I pray for a humble spirit, help me in my daily walk, help me to surrender to you completely. Lift me up, let your name be glorified. Let the wicked be cast down permanently in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Psalm 147:10-11 - No strength of my own

Photo credit: www.nbhatx24.com


Thank you father for all you have blessed me with.
Open my eyes to the truth that my strength is not in fighting with all I have. Help me father to understand that it is all about you.
Help me father to fear you and to depend on you alone.
Help me father to depend on your judgement, righteousness and your lovingkindness in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, October 12, 2015

Psalm 121:3-4 - God does not sleep

Photo credit:www.anthonysvajda.com


Thank you for the assurance of all round protection this day and forever more.
Thank you father for the truth that from the beginning of time you have never slumbered nor slept.
Thank you for the angels that are at attention carrying out protection and promotion duties.
Lion of the tribe of Judah, Lord of the hosts of heaven, I salute this day in Jesus name. Amen