A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Matthew 6:22-23 - Focus on Jesus

Photo credit: www.jeffrandleman.com

Just as the sun brings light to the world so the eyes bring light to the man. This shows how important the eyes of a man are. We could be talking about the physical or the spiritual eyes. These two verses of scripture lets us know that there are two types of eyes, the good and the bad.

If your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light – a translation says if your eye is single meaning if your eye is focused, it will bring light. Single or focused towards Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Focused on the One who Himself is the light of the world. Focused on Him, desiring His love and direction, depending on Him and Him alone, then the result is light for living and impacting the darkness around you.
But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness – On the other hand, if your eye is bad, there is danger. If your eyes are distorted by greed or covetousness, living on an island of Me, Myself and I or not accepting that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, you are surrounded by darkness.

How easy is it for the good eye to suddenly become bad? Easy I suppose, if you do not pay attention to what you allow your eye to look at, it becomes blurred and then goes bad. Be careful and ask God to help you always. He looks after His own.

Thank you Father for giving me eyes to see. Help me to protect my eyes from arrows from the evil one intended to lure me away from focusing on you.
Help me to do the things that will cause my eyes to be focused, including study of the word, prayer and not forsaking Church.
Let your light fill my life, let my body be filled with light all the days of my life in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Psalm 16:11- Path of Life

Photo credit: www.knowing-jesus.com


You make known to me the path of life – If there is a path of life, then it stands to reason that there is a path of death. The path of life is righteousness, salvation and eternal life while the path of death leads to hell and eternal damnation.  Proverbs 14:12 says there is a way that seems right to man but it leads to death. This tells us that the path that is logical or the path that is okay with the world might lead to death. The alternative is accepting and following Jesus in truthfully. After all He says in John 14: 6 that I am the way, the truth and the life.

in Your presence – Life is empty without the presence of God. Darkness disappears at the entrance of light in every situation. You can imagine what would happen if you dwell in God’s presence.
there is fullness of joy – It is only in God’s presence that full joy can be found. Joy offered by the world is not full as many have found out that it is temporary.

at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore – The hand of God dispenses pleasures forever. Honour and dignity are found at the right hand of God.


You will cause me to know the path of life. Help me to remember what you teach me. As you let me know, help me Father to make the right choices.
Help me Lord to crave your presence in my life. Let me know joy indeed. Let your joy be full in every area of my life.
Let me encounter your pleasures in Jesus mighty name. Favour me Lord, let your name be glorified in my life in Jesus name.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Psalm 25:14 - The Secret of God

Photo credit: weheartit.com


The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him - Another translation says The LORD is a friend to those who fear him. Friendship indicates relationship; it indicates intimacy with the Almighty. This tells us that there are some things that wisdom and knowledge or intellect will not make available to you.
What is the fear of God? The fear of God is an awe and a reverence for God. It is passion for God and the Things of God. It is a desire to know God more and a willingness to submit and to obey Him.
Those who fear God will understand the free grace of God, the favour of God and the special love that God has for His own. The truth of the Trinity is no longer an issue.

and he will shew them his covenant – The Lord will show those who fear Him, the covenant He entered into with Christ on our behalf. He shows He is our God, King and Father at the same time. Your place in the covenant is also revealed to you by the Holy Spirit and the blessings of the covenant are sealed for you in Jesus Christ. Go ahead and pray.

Let there be reverential fear in my heart for you O Lord. I want to be your friend. Extend the secrets of the kingdom to me my God and my King. Help me father to do things the way you want them done.
The covenant with Christ must work for me. No blessing will pass me by in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

John 7:37-39 - Thirsty for Jesus

Photo credit: wallpaper4god.com


If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink – Jesus is still calling today, Jesus is available to anyone, male or female in any condition, rich or poor.
The thirst is not a physical one but a spiritual thirst. It is a thirst for salvation, a thirst from freedom from the law of sin and death. For those you have already accepted Him, the thirst can be a greater need to know Him more, to get closer to Him and to live by Him.
Jesus is the fountain of water. He is the well for all who are thirsty, those who want peace, righteousness and joy in the Holy Ghost.

He that believeth on me – The condition for drinking is to acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah that God sent to save the world from sin. It is to acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. No more, no less.

as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water – The evidence of a person who has come to Jesus will be obvious to all around him. His faith in Jesus shall flow and touch his neighbours. Rivers indicate abundance of supply.
The water that flows out can be dead which means it is of no benefit. Living water cleanses, it leads to growth and fruitfulness.
Do you want to be that person? Connect to Jesus today or stay connected to Him and eat as much as you can. Borrowing the words from an advert many years ago, “Coke is it”, I say “Jesus is it”.


Dear Jesus, I come to you this day, I am thirsty. I accept that you are the Son of God and you died for my sins.
Fill me anew this day. Let your life flow through me, touching all around me and those fall away too in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Psalm 63:2 - I want to see your Glory

Photo credit: biblepic.com

King David wrote this Psalm while he was in the wilderness running away from his son. He must have longed to experience again the power and the glory of God. It could have been that he wanted to be able to come back to where the ark was based at the time or he wanted God’s glory to descend upon him in the wilderness.

To see thy power and thy glory – Encountering the power and the glory of God is a life changing experience. It is an experience that cannot be adequately described. Be assured your life can’t be the same if you see the glory of God. Moses asked God in Exodus 33:18 to show him the glory. God showed him the glory and spoke again to him given him instructions afterwards. He went back to the people and they couldn’t come near him because of the radiance that was around him.
Thousands of people saw God’s power on the day of Pentecost and in response asked, what can we do to be saved?  The glory and the power brings conviction.

so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary – You do not have to wait until you get to Church before asking for the glory of God. In the quiet of your room, you can ask for the glory of God to fill you anew and afresh. Spirit filled worship brings down the glory of God.
Hunger for the glory of God and your life will be transformed. Do not give up, until the glory rests upon you.

Let me behold your glory. I need a divine encounter today. I ask that your glory rest upon me bringing light into my life. At the entrance of your light, let darkness disappear forever in Jesus mighty name.
I want to see you. I want you to talk to me. Help me father to increase the knowledge that I have of you.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Psalm 63:1 - You are my God

Photo credit: reflectionsintheword.org


A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah – King David probably wrote this psalm when he was on the run from his son, Absalom. The lesson here is that the situation should not determine whether you call on God or not. Wherever you are, no matter the situation, good or bad, you should desire to communicate with God all the time.  

O God, thou art my God – You are a child of God by grace through Jesus Christ. There are blessings and promises available through Christ. Embrace Christ and you have access to the father. Be bold, enjoy the benefits of sonship.

early will I seek thee – Seeking God early shows eagerness on the part of the one who prays. A good example to follow is Jesus Christ who many times rose up early to pray. All His prayers were answered as we found out. Yes you are to pray without ceasing but learning to commit your day into the hands of your God can only be beneficial to you.

my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is – Your quest for God is meant to be all consuming because God is the all in all. There is no situation that He can’t change. The presence of God or the hand of God on a particular matter is all that is needed. When your focus is solely on God without giving allowance for backup, God knows and always comes good.
He is in charge of the showers of blessing from heaven which will cause every desert situation to be disgraced in Jesus name. He is waiting for you.

Help me to call on you no matter where I am.
I declare that you are my God.  I have no other God but you.
Help me father to seek you early. Help me with the required discipline that I need to meet with you.
Quench my thirst in every area of my life. Let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Amen

Friday, May 13, 2016

Romans 8: 28-29 - Conformed to the Image of Christ

Photo credit: slideplayer.com


This verse is one of the most intriguing verses I have come across in the bible. When good things happen after a bad event, this verse comes to mind. For example you’ve lost your job and a better job comes up or you start a thriving business, you’d stand up to testify, all things….. A vehicle you were meant to be riding in has an accident, all things…. We can go on and on……
But can all things work together for good? Divorce, death, incurable disease, failure, work together for good?

A childhood friend has just lost a 20 year old son and there is pain all around. As I search my heart this scripture comes to mind. I find it difficult to write my normal prayer blog. I wonder, can the death of a young man have any good attached to it?
I conclude that this scripture is not telling us that untimely death or loss is good. The verse has to be read in conjunction with verse 29.
While we encounter the challenges of life and the miracles too, God is at work in those who love Him. God’s goal is for you to be conformed to the image of His Son despite whatever happens on your journey of life.
If you permit me to say, that God is “so Almighty” that nothing can happen to you without his consent or knowledge.

to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose – If you do not love God, if you are not called according to his purpose, there is a problem. Why? God’s purpose for you, God’s definition of good for you is that you are conformed to the image of Jesus Christ – His son. That is His plan, even before you were born!!!
Is God’s definition of good different from yours? Think about it and come around to accept what God wants for you.

Help me father to love you, help me to respond positively to the call that is upon my life. Help me father not to give up on my calling when issues appear.
Thank you father because you are always working good in my life. You have promised you will not leave me nor forsake me in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Isaiah 43:11 - 12 - The Almighty God

Photo credit: pendernews.org

I, even I, am the Lord, and apart from me there is no saviour – There is a repetition for your understanding that there is no other God but the Almighty. There is no other God that offers salvation. Jesus in John 14:6 says I am the way, the truth and the life.

I have revealed and saved and proclaimed— I, and not some foreign god among you – God said it and it is settled. There is no need for argument. God is not some God, carved and made my hand. He died and He rose again. His grave is empty. Do not be deceived. God is not brought in from some part of the world. Your God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He is the Almighty.
From the beginning of time. Everything God has said has come to pass. Be proud that this same God is your father.

You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “that I am God – If you indeed recognise that He is God Almighty, then go out and say so. The song says Go tell it on the mountains…… Go out and testify of the power of God, witness to your neighbour, the grace you have experienced and the provision you now enjoy.

Thank you father for you are my God. You are the Most High God. You are higher than every situation; you know the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.
My saviour and redeemer, I bless you this day. I look up to you, author and finisher of my faith. It is a privilege to call you, father.
Help me to witness to my immediate community what you have done for me. Grant me the boldness I pray, to say that all I am is by your grace alone.
Breathe upon my words O Lord and let the unsaved come to accept you, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Luke 1:25 - No more Disgrace

Photo credit: www.slideshare.net

The verses before this verse tell us the story of Zachariah the faithful priest and his wife, Elisabeth who were both old but without children. An angel of God visited Zachariah telling him, his prayer had been heard and his wife would bear a son.  

The Lord has done this for me…. – I can assure you that God is good. He is merciful and kind. The scriptures say He will not withhold any good thing from His children. You are encouraged this day that it is not over until it’s over. Your testimony is on the way.

In these days he has shown his favour – There is an angel on assignment from heaven. Psalm 103:20 says angels respond to the word of God.  Speak the word of God now into the situation at hand. Ask God to release your angel of favour so that you can testify as Elisabeth did.

and taken away my disgrace among the people – Your situation has been used to identify you. Be rest assured that anything that has a beginning surely has an end. It is time for the disgrace to be disgraced. Call on the God of heaven and earth to take away the reproach in Jesus name.

I am thanking you for I know testimonies will not cease in my mouth in Jesus name.
Thank you for answered prayers, thank you for unending favour, thank you because you are good and your mercies endure forever.
I am a candidate for miracles. Let every reproach become a song of the past in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, May 9, 2016

Psalm 119:62 - Midnight Prayer Hour

Photo credit: filledwithtruth.com


At midnight I shall rise – At midnight robbers are on the prowl trying to rob the innocent. There also agents of satan gathering to unleash terror and their evil plans to destroy the children of God.
Therefore it is your responsibility to rise up and ask God to be a wall of fire around you and your family. Do not take it lightly. David the writer of this psalm understood the times. It is your turn to understand the times and the seasons. The Lord will help you in Jesus name.

to give thanks to You – Thanksgiving is one of the many types of prayer. You should learn to thank God for the things He has done for you. There are probably more things that God does for you without you being aware of them. How about the prayers you already prayed and you are waiting for answers? Learn to thank Him for everything. It is in thanking Him that more blessings are released into your hands.

Because of Your righteous ordinances – Rather than ordinances, some translations used judgement. God rains down judgement on the wicked. You should also learn to thank God for His righteous laws which govern the activities of His people.

Let every midnight gathering against my life come to nothing in Jesus name.
Help me father to rise up and pray during the midnight hour.
Let me have reason to gives thanks to you at all times in Jesus name.
Thank you father for judging the wicked in Jesus name. Amen.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Jeremiah 10: 6 - God is Great

Photo credit: www.leeanngtaylor.com

The verses preceding verse 6 give a charge to the people of Israel not to behave like the godless people around them.

LORD, there is no one like you! -  There is no god or man that can be compared to God. The Almighty God created the heavens and the earth. He created everything that is in the heavens and all things on earth. Let us learn to worship the Master.

For you are great, and your name is full of power – God wears greatness as a garment because everything about His nature is great. Some of the indicators of the greatness of God are found in His name, His majesty, His fairness, His faith and His knowledge.
At the mention of His name, every knee bows and confesses the supremacy and sovereignty of the Almighty God. Forces of darkness yield of their own accord at the mention of the name of Jesus. Darkness always gives way to the light at the mention of your name.

I join the hosts of heaven in worshiping you my King and my God.
You are bigger than the biggest and better than the best. You sit in the heavens and the earth is your foot stool. The hosts of heaven report to you. You are the Most High God.
I bow before your throne of grace and mercy.
Your words are not changeable; therefore whatever you say comes to pass.
Help me LORD to give you glory forever. Amen

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Exodus 16: 4 - Bread from Heaven

Photo credit: www.slideshare.net

In the earlier verses of this chapter the children of Israel had murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness when they were hungry. Moses must have prayed/talked to God before God responded in our text.

Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you – Our father who reigns both in heaven and on earth is in the business of providing for His own. The bible is filled with His promises to provide for you. He taught us to ask Him – Give us this day our daily bread. Go ahead and ask the LORD not only to give you bread but to cause bread to rain all over you.

and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day – The provision is available. Ask your father to order your steps to where your bread is and you will never go hungry. Remember Psalm 37:23 says the steps of the righteous are ordered by God.  When you receive the instruction, make sure you obey.

that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no - – Sometimes the LORD wants to test/prove His children. Your obedience of His word indicates you are really His child. The Lord does not want you to fail. That is why He helps those who ask Him for help. Like He said of Jesus Christ – this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. Let Him say that of you too.

As you spoke to Moses, I ask that you speak to me.
Let me hear your voice continually in Jesus name. As I hear your voice, help me to obey you at all times. Ley your name be glorified.
I ask that you cause the bread of heaven to fall upon me.
Thank you father in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Psalm 119:11 - I will Hide the Word

Photo credit: www.dailylifeverse.com

I have hidden your word in my heart – Vaults and safes are built to keep or hide away available items. You are showing a high regard for the word of God when you decide to hide the word of word where it can’t be stolen from you.
When your heart is filled with the word of God, light will inevitably surround you and you become
a tool in the hands of God and you are a terror to the enemy.
Start memorizing short verses today and before you know it, your memory bank is growing every day. You will be better for it.

that I might not sin against you – You care about sinning because you do not want to offend your father. A child of God should do everything he can to prevent sin.
Temptation is the gateway to sin. When you yield to temptation, sin is the result. Every human being faces temptation and the best way to deal with temptation is to call up what the word regarding the situation says. The word of God becomes deterrence from going astray.

Help me father to value your word. Help me Father as I take baby steps to build a memory bank of your word in my heart.
Help me to fight temptation with your word. Help me in my decision making at all times.
Help me father as I live a life of holiness in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mark 14:38 - Watch and Pray

Photo credit: www.slideshare.net

These were the words of Christ spoken while in the garden of Gethsemane. A reading of the earlier verses will put the verse into proper perspective for you.

Keep watching and praying – This is Jesus encouraging you to keep watching and praying. The encouragement is borne out of His love for you. Remember He has seen the end from the beginning. Jesus is our example, who when faced with the reality of His impending death, prayed. It is beneficial to you to be watchful so you’ll learn how the enemy works. Temptation does not come carrying a giant placard saying – saying I am temptation. It mostly creeps in appealing to your base instincts and before you know it, you are overcome. The enemy comes in the big things and the little things too. That is why you must be watchful.
The devil wants to bring you down. John says he goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour. Your determination today, is you or your children will not be mincemeat for the devil. It is your responsibility for have a discerning spirit and to use it. Spending time in prayer brings one closer to the Maker and it sharpens you, ready for battle.
Importantly you must learn about yourself. Which areas am I weak? What do I seem to be struggling with? This is so that you can see the enemy coming a mile away and you run. After all the bible enjoins that you should abstain from every form of evil.

that you may not come into temptation – Prayer will help you in times of temptation or sin. The bible says it is only the arrogant who will think he can’t fall into temptation.
There is danger in you missing out on the opportunities that Jesus is bringing your way.
There is danger in you going back to your old ways before who accepted Christ as your saviour from the life of sin and death.
There is danger in falling to false pastors who are agents of the devil.
There is danger of being sucked into the cares that are worldy and of no benefit to your eternity.

the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak – The weak flesh is programmed to succumb to temptation. Continue to feed your spirit and deny the flesh. Fasting helps to subdue the flesh.
There is victory for you.

I ask for help in resisting temptation. I do not have any power of my own, help me father.
When I am in your presence, the enemy can’t get to me. Help me father to dwell perpetually in your presence.
Help me father to be watchful at all times.
There is a saying that the devil finds work for idle hands. Help me to be focused on the work you have placed in my hands.
Teach me how to pray. Help me father to be able to tarry in the place of prayer. Thank you father for loving and caring for me.