A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Psalm 103:2 - I Praise You, God

Photo credit: www.spiritradio.ie


Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me – Another translation of this verse says bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. David wrote this Psalm after going through a very tough time. He nearly died but God in His infinite mercies saw him through.

The year is about to come to an end depending on which part of the world you are based and you made it to the end. Please take a while to reflect on what happened in the past year. You flew from place to place or drove, you arrived safely but some did not. You are aware of the death of many, young and old, but you are alive today. You survived the sicknesses and diseases that you heard killed other people. Many lost homes or investments but you have a roof over your head. Many struggled to feed, but you are healthy by the grace of God. Your marriage or home is intact despite the plan of the devil. Your children have made progress, you received promotion in many areas while many were losing their jobs or going bankrupt.

Please read through the whole chapter (Psalm 103) as it would help you in remembering things that you might have forgotten. David called on his soul to bless God. That is to say, all that you are, your soul, spirit and body should burst into song as you praise God for all that He did for you in the year that is coming to an end.

My Father and my God, the Almighty God, my protector, my protection, my strong tower and my deliverer, I thank You for seeing me through the year. With my whole being, I appreciate and honour You for the loving kindness that You extended to me and my family. You provided for me and I was able to meet my obligations. Shame did not enter into my household, glory and honour to Your holy name.
I come to You with my hands lifted up and my heart filled with praise. I come with thanksgiving. I bless You, my King.
The New Year is in Your capable hands. I know You have already gone ahead and You will see me through in Jesus name. Amen.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Genesis 22:17 - Possessing the gates of the New Year

Photo credit: https://plus.google.com/+angcheelee/posts/21o9CptErDf


I will surely bless you and will greatly multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens and like the sand which is on the seashore; and your seed shall possess the gate of his enemies – Abraham had just passed a test of his faith and God in sealed his blessings with an oath. His faith was rewarded with a blessing and his seed was rewarded with multiplication and victory over enemies.

Did you notice the promise was to his seed and not his seeds? Jesus Christ was the seed and you are the seed of Jesus. In Jesus, you receive the physical and the spiritual. You receive salvation, eternal life and much more.

Most homes have walls around them with a gate used for entrance and exit. In the bible times, apart from gates protecting the city against invaders, they were places where business transactions were consummated and government decisions were announced. Legal matters were also resolved at the gates. The gates were the center of all activities in the cities.

So when you possess the gates of your enemies it means you have conquered them and they have become your subjects. You are in control. Just as we have physical gates, there are also gates in the spiritual realm. Before things happen in the physical, a lot has taken place in the spiritual. The heavens release blessings and the unseen enemies attempt to withhold them.

For example, a new year has gates and blessings are released as a result of the prayers of the saints. The enemy and its agents do everything to control the gates so that the blessings do not get to the intended recipients.

It is good to be happy at the dawn of a New Year but there are steps that have to be taken before the New Year arrives.

You have to contend with the real enemy that does not want you to enjoy the blessings associated with the New Year. Remember the one who controls the gates of 2017 has the victories throughout the year. Fight the battle, the Lord is on your side!!


Let the glory of God surround me and protect me against the plans of the evil one. Every blessing from God will arrive at my doorstep and I will enjoy them in Jesus name.
I come against every agent of the enemy assigned to stop my blessings. Let every gang up against me be scattered in Jesus name. Let confusion reign in their midst. Let the power of God destroy them in Jesus name. Let every plan of disappointment and sickness come to nothing in Jesus name. I thank you for my victory as I possess the gates of my enemies in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

1 Corinthians 15:10 - Grace of God

Photo credit: http://linsterdiversions.blogspot.co.uk


But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all; yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me – Have you ever been in a situation where your ability has been questioned? It could have been your parenting skills, your ability to do a job properly without messing up, your religion etc. In certain parts of the world, the colour of one’s skin or accent might have led you been treated differently.

Apostle Paul’s apostleship was questioned in the Corinthian Church because of his past persecution of the Church. He might have waited for people who supported him to speak on his behalf, but he didn’t. Paul pronounced it for everyone to know that whatever he had achieved wasn’t by his power or intellect. (He was a well-learned man). It was the grace of God.
The grace of God is the very centre of Christianity. Grace starts and ends with God. It is the very essence of God. God gives to us out of His completeness and love for us. God has given gifts to us to enable us to do all that we need to do while here on earth. We do not need to do anything to receive grace from God. Grace is free. Learn to operate on the premise that ‘All we have is from God and all we are is from God’. That is why Paul said grace was ‘bestowed’ upon him.

Paul was confident of the availability of grace to him. Yes, he worked harder than his colleagues but without the grace of God, it wouldn’t have been possible. As Paul believed in the grace of God, you can believe too. You can be confident that the grace of God is available to you in your Christian walk with the Lord. It is available to enable you to fulfil the purpose of God for you.

You can trust that that His grace is sufficient for you. As you submit to God, He will seal you with His grace. James 4:6 says God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Help me Lord to completely humble myself under your authority. Let the grace to obey you be part and parcel of my life. As you are the God of all grace, let your grace rest upon me. Let your grace steer me in the direction purposed by you O Lord. I am aware challenges are a part of the package. Help me Lord to overcome every obstacle that comes my way in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Colossians 1:13 - Transferred into the Kingdom of Jesus

Photo credit: www.jarofquotes.com


Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son – satan rules over the affairs of those who have not accepted that Jesus Christ died for their sins and His Lordship over them. The power of satan over such people keeps them in the ignorance of what Jesus Christ did for the whole world on the cross of Calvary.

By the special grace of God, deliverance happens when the only One who can deliver any held by satan, shines His light into the inner recesses of the heart of the man and the scales which have shielded the man bound, drop off and satan has no choice but to disappear. Light always overcomes darkness.

The translation is a transfer from one kingdom to another, the kingdom of Jesus Christ here on earth. The power of sin is broken and there is a submission to the power of Jesus Christ. The laws in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ are different and all who are transferred enjoy new benefits. The past was characterized by sin, failure, defeat, misery and ignorance and the new is a lifetime of holiness, joy, peace and knowledge among many other benefits.

The translation of a sinner from darkness to light always sparks rejoicing in heaven because heaven gains a saint.  You might want to submit to the call of Jesus Christ today as you want to partake of what Christ did, take the giant step of faith, by confessing with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.


Thank you, Father because You have delivered me from the power of darkness, and sin has no power over me. I am no longer a slave of satan. I am now a child of God. I have been moved into the kingdom of light. Father let your light surround me at all times. Help me so I never succumb to temptation from satan in Jesus name. Amen

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Matthew 1: 21 - Jesus the Saviour

Photo credit: slideplayer.com


And she will bring forth a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins – Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came from heaven to save the world from sin. What Jesus did then, He still does now. He saves from the guilt of sin, cleansing in His blood. The one who is saved can no longer be dominated by sin because such a person now has in his heart the Holy Spirit. The saved man no longer pays the wages of sin which is death but receives the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Many years ago, I used to think I did not need Jesus Christ. I believed I was okay because I was not a bad person, a young man with absolutely no problems. My life was easy; I did not go out of my way to hurt anybody. I enjoyed spending time drinking alcohol, sometimes excessively but it didn’t hurt anybody, so what’s anybody’s problem? I passed exams I had no business passing and a dear friend encouraged me to go give thanks in Church, I did not think that it was a big deal. After a while, I yielded and I said thank you to God.

Some time later I was invited to Church and I started attending regularly, even going for mid-week Bible Study. I rejected every altar call because I did not think accepting Christ was needed as I was a good guy. On Easter Sunday in 1993, the same message that I had heard over and over again was preached. There was an urgency that had me running to the altar forgetting every ounce of pride on my seat. My life of sin became real before my eyes. The Holy Spirit arrested me. I discovered real happiness, not the one fuelled by who I thought I was.

Here I am encouraging you today as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour. Let Him come into your life so you’ll receive the benefits I have been enjoying all this while. Jesus is sweet, challenges are part of the package, I assure you, and you will overcome every single one of them. Jesus is the sweetest name I know.


Thank you for giving up your Son because of your love for the world.
Lord, He came for no other reason but to save.
Jesus came for His people; I am now part of “His people”. I thank you, Father.
Thank you for saving me from sin in Jesus name. Amen

Friday, December 23, 2016

Isaiah 49:16 - Inscribed on God's Palms

Photo credit: worshiplife.com


Look, I have inscribed your name on my palms; your walls are constantly before me – The Almighty God is assuring you today that your name is inscribed on His palms. Read this verse aloud and insert your name where it should be, let the implications of this promise sink into your soul.

The Hebrew word translated is ‘chaqaq’. It means to cut in, mark out or to engrave. This is how much you mean to God. If you are engraved on His palms, it means you can’t be wiped out by satan and its lousy band of angels. No matter what your mind is telling you, or what your status is, in the society or your bank balance is, big or small, or your examination results are saying, you are special in the eyes of God.

Your relationship with God is the relationship that matters. He is in charge in the heavens and on earth too. You are dear to God and you are constantly on His mind. God can’t forget you because His eyes are on you. You are sealed in His love. You will succeed in life.

You should decide to stop feeling insignificant or lonely or unloved. Remember He knows your name. This piece is not written to make you happy. It is for you to understand who you are in the hands of the Almighty God. You are not an ordinary footnote of history. You will make history in Jesus name. Amen


Thank you, Father for the assurance that you love me and your eyes will always be on me. I am convinced that you will make a way for me in Jesus name. With your help, all I do will bring will glory to your name in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, December 22, 2016

John 2:10 - Receive the best from Jesus

Photo credit: bibleencyclopaedia.com


Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now – Jesus Christ, His disciples and His mother were present at a wedding in Galilee. During the wedding, wine ran out which set the stage for the first miracle in the ministry of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ instructed the servants to fill the waterpots with water. After this was done, He told the servants to serve the governor who commented that the wine was better than what had been offered to guests since the wedding started.

We learn quite a bit from this first recorded miracle of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is always available to cover your shame. The wedding would have had a premature end had Jesus not solved the problem. Every likelihood of shame in your life will be taken care of by Jesus when you call on Him. All you need do is to invite Him into your life. Remember Revelation 3: 20 says Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. He is willing to provide for you as you consent to His entrance.

Please take note of what the governor said, ‘you have kept the good wine until now’. Jesus Christ has kept the best till this moment for you. As the year is coming to an end, you will receive the best from Jesus. He has not forgotten you. The Jesus who performed that miracle is available as He is the same yesterday, today and forever more.

The waterpots were filled to the brim. There was more than enough to go round. You will pray that as Jesus settles you, your cup will run over in Jesus name. It should also be noted that just as the wine provided refreshing to the guests, so too the gospel of Jesus Christ revives both the dead and the lost. You can’t afford to keep silent. There are loads of people who will be revitalised with the word of God. They are waiting for you.


I pray that at all times I will obey every instruction given by Jesus. No matter how unrealistic the instruction might sound, I pray that God Almighty will help me to obey. I pray that at all times when there is a need to be met, Jesus will be my point of call. I will be dependent on the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. The Lord will remember me as the year is coming to an end. Every unfinished business will be sorted out in Jesus name. Amen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Psalm 62:11 - All Power Belongs to God

Photo credit: https://wordforlifesays.com


Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this; that power belongs to God – God spoke the world into existence then and He still speaks today. Nothing or no one can reverse what God says. Whatever God says always happens because God cannot lie. Whatever God speaks will always happen because He has the power to make it happen.  

Some have been led to believe that the devil is powerful but it does not have salvation. This is contrary to this beautiful scripture that tells us that power belongs to God. Children of God now live in fear because they are on the lookout for when satan will strike. Scriptures calling satan the ruler of this world or prince of the air, for example, indicate the capabilities of satan. We see that in the many religions and ideas that are under satan’s control. You must not misinterpret scripture.

You must never forget that the Almighty God is the Sovereign King. God has allowed satan to operate within boundaries, unbelievers might operate within parameters set by satan but satan has no power over children of God.

Among other things, the unlimited power of God appeared from the creation of something out of nothing. That power put the government of the world on the shoulders of Jesus Christ. It is that power that has translated the people out of darkness into the marvelous light. It is this same power through grace which touches the hearts of the hard-hearted by the Holy Spirit, it is the power that delivers us from the hands of our enemies and that same power destroys our enemies too.

Do remember that everything can fail but the power of God can never fail. It is time to start trusting God the more and asking for the power to work for you and in you.

Help me, Father, to recognise when you are speaking to me. Let me hear my revelation, let me dream dreams and see through visions too in Jesus name. You are the power. Let your power move mountains away for me. By your power let things that have been difficult suddenly become easy in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Matthew 19: 26b - God is Power

Photo credit: www.spiritradio.ie

In the preceding verses, a young rich man had approached Jesus asking Him, what he needed to do to have eternal life. Jesus told him, keep the commandments and the young man responded that he’d kept all the commandments since he was a youth. If that was the case, Jesus then told him, go sell your possessions, give to the poor and you will have treasures in heaven, then come and follow me. We are told that the young man went away in sorrow for he had great possessions. Jesus told His disciples that it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter heaven. The disciples in amazement asked, who then can be saved?

Jesus answered with men it is impossible but to God all things are possible – Amongst others three things stand out, a) there are men who are rich who rather than trusting God will place their trust in their wealth. b) there are things that are impossible to men no matter who they are and the resources available to them. c) God is so powerful that what is impossible with man is possible with God.

We will focus on the power of God. Genesis 18: 14 says that nothing is too hard for God to accomplish. Nothing means nothing. God is the Lord of the hosts of heaven. The innumerable angels do His bidding. He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. He is the Omnipotent God (all powerful). He is Almighty. (El Shaddai). He is the Everlasting God who according to Ephesians 3: 20 is able to do exceeding abundantly far above what you can ask or imagine. No man can save you but God can. Job 42: 2 says God can do anything and He is aware of our thoughts. There is no hiding from Him.

What are your challenges? What are your issues? What has looked impossible? I can assure you that there is nothing new under the Sun. God has solved the exact problem you have before and He will do it again. Why? He is the same, yesterday, today and forever more.

You have access to this power if you are His child. If not, all you need do today is to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. This is not to say that your becoming a child of God assures you a life without challenges. With God on your side, the inevitable challenges will be made plain in Jesus name.

Thank you Lord for who you are. I bow down before your throne of grace and mercy. I ask that in your mercy release your angels to fight for me. Let them battle the unseen enemy. Let every closed door be opened now in Jesus name. Let me enjoy unending success in everything I lay my hands on in Jesus precious name. Amen

Monday, December 19, 2016

Matthew 25:32-34 - Right Hand of Power

Photo credit: https://redeeminggod.com


All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world – The right hand of God is a symbol of the power of God. The right hand of God smashes the enemy (Exodus 15: 6). It is the hand of righteousness (Psalm 48: 10).  It is the hand of blessing (Genesis 48: 18). On the day of judgement, those on the right hand of God are declared blessed and they inherit the kingdom of God while those on the left are cursed and spend eternity in everlasting fire.

Do you need the power of God now? Surely His right hand is not too short to reach you no matter how deep you are in trouble. That hand moves mountains and every obstacle before you will be blown away in Jesus name. Is the enemy holding you down in any area? You must remember that God is omnipotent. The enemy has no right to hold on to you. Are you sick? It is the power of God that heals. You can place a demand for healing today for you are a child of the Almighty God.

If you are not related to God by birth through Jesus Christ, you have no standing to ask for the power of God to work for you. All you need do today is to confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.

Let your right hand rest upon me. Let there be a release of blessings from heaven over my family and I. Let your hand locate me and mark me out for signs and wonders. As your right hand brought miracles in times past, let me have a reason for celebration in this season in Jesus name. Amen

Friday, December 9, 2016

Psalm 85:6 - Revive Us Again

Photo credit: www.slideplayer.com


Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? – This Psalm was written after the people returned from exile. They met a fallen Temple and there was all round discouragement as they were surrounded by enemies who were jealous of their relationship to their God.

In our world today the battle between the spirit (Church) and the flesh (world) has taken a new dimension. Rather than going out to preach Christ and His gift of salvation, the Church is imbibing the ways of the world in a bid to stay relevant.  If you cannot beat them, join them seems to be the order of the day. The fear of God does not mean anything and impunity is the order of the day. The world has wondered away from God, we are dead in our sin and there is a need for a quickening of our spirits. This can only happen by the grace of God.

We can join hands together and call on God to breathe again upon the nations. Men cannot revive themselves for only God can revive a dying man. As men turn away from sin and they turn to Jesus Christ, there will be rejoicing in heaven and on earth too. The lethargy in the nation will be lifted and there will be singing and dancing in Jesus name.

I pray for Ministers of God all over the world that they be renewed. I include Elders and Church members too. Let revival start with me O God. Have mercy on me my Father. Let my heart be aligned again with yours. Let there be an urgency within me to see your power move again. Come down and let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Let our nation turn to you again. Let joy fill our hearts in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Psalm 51:11 - Enjoying God's Presence


Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from meDavid had sinned and he expected God to punish him by casting him away from His presence. God’s presence did different things to different people in the Bible. For example Adam and Eve enjoyed intimate relationship with God before sin drove them to hide from his presence. Jonah tried to run away from God’s presence in Jonah 1: 3 and Isaiah sinfulness was exposed by God’s holiness in Isaiah 6: 3.

Would you miss God’s presence? That would depend on the reality or the impact of God in your life. I would say that if your experience of Him is shown in the abundance of grace towards you, then the absence of that grace would indicate that something is the matter!!   

What are the benefits of His presence? Joshua 1:5 and 9 shows that His presence provides comfort and strength in times of trouble. Our prayers are answered in His presence. His presence is also where blessings are dished out to those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. When you are in His presence you experience joy as Psalm 16: 11 tells us. You have access to God’s presence as you can approach His throne room with confidence because of what Christ did on the cross of Calvary. 2 Chronicles 7: 14 also tells us if we come with humble hearts, He will hear us and forgive us of all sins.

Today we have a better covenant than David had for we have the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Our heavenly Father wants us to live holy lives and dwell in His presence at all times. Where we fall into sin we must hurry to repent and confess so that the abundant grace can continue to abound towards us. Satan is an expert in condemnation; do not fall for his tricks. Rise up no matter the situation for your Father has promised never to leave you nor forsake you.


Thank you Father for the many blessings you have given unto me. You have caused me to sing a new song at all times. I have enjoyed your protection as you neither sleep nor slumber. Thank you for the wall of fire that has protected me from the fiery darts from satan. I ask that you stir me up whenever I fall into sin so that I can repent and confess quickly. I do not want to ever step out of your presence. Help me O Lord in Jesus name. Amen.