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We are reminded of our
immortality whenever we become aware of the death of a known person. Death
seems to come when it is least expected or to the most unexpected persons.
Untimely death seems
to be the norm, the young are dying at their prime, the middle aged are not
left out and the old seem to be leaving in a rapid procession. Every man will
answer the question, how did you use your time? What should be the response of
the wise remnant?
So teach us to number our days – The remainder of your days no matter how long they turn out to be
should be spent seeking a closer relationship with God.
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom – Diligence is important in all that we do. Wisdom is required in the
application of time and resources. God who knows and sees the end from the
beginning wants us to see with our spiritual eyes the end as well. We would
then be able plan our life and live accordingly.
Lord I ask for grace
to live my life in surrender to you. Help me father to grow spiritually day by
I come in humility asking
for instructions on how to spend the rest of my days. Help me to be sensitive
to the Holy Spirit. Help me father to do as your word says. Thank you father in
Jesus name. Amen