A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

1 Corinthians 9: 24 - There is a Race, Run

Photo credit: www.knowing-jesus.com

Apostle Paul, the writer of this book uses the example of athletes competing against one another to explain his point. Athletes compete to win the prize on offer which could be medals, trophies, championships and in the case of professional sports, money.

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it – In the case of a Christian, you are encouraged to view life as a race in which there is a prize.

Running is exercising faith in Jesus Christ. It is increasing in the knowledge of Christ. It is going to Him at all times for strength to overcome the challenges of life.

For athletes, there is a winner and a loser. In the Christian race, there are no losers as there is a prize for all who run the race. We are not competing against one another, rather we are meant to help one another to run the race.

In the Christian race, what is the prize? It is not salvation or eternal life because that is a free gift that you do not work for. Jesus Christ has paid the price and it is settled. The prize is approval from God. Matthew 25: 21 shows us that the Lord will say to the servant – well done good and faithful servant. God introduced Jesus in Matthew 3:17 saying – this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. You and I should be running for such a great testimonial.

Finally, the charge is for you to run, know that you are in a race, do not allow the enemy to change your focus. The enemy is constantly looking for those who do not know their place in Jesus Christ by placing hurdles and pits along their race track. May we all overcome and run our races with distinction in Jesus name.

Help me, Lord, to run the race in front of me. Help me, Lord, to focus on my race and my race alone. Help me Lord so I do not run another man’s race. Help me, father, to finish my race. Help me so I do not give up in the midst of my race. Help me, father, to complete my race.
At the end of my race, I will obtain my prize in Jesus name. Thank you for your abundant grace.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Genesis 5: 24 - Walk With God

Photo credit: https://biblia.com


Enoch walked with God despite God not being physically present with Him. We are told in Hebrews 5:11 that he did not die, rather he was translated to heaven just as Prophet Elijah was too.
Enoch lived in times just before the flood that destroyed the earth. The Bible says there was wickedness in the heart of men and men’s thoughts were wicked. The world today is no different from what transpired back then. Enoch’s life is an example of the life we are meant to live in our generation. To walk with God is to agree with God as Amos 3:3 says can two walk together except they agree?

Walking together with God is walking in tandem, step by step with God. Man is meant to align his steps with God and not the other way round.
You will become friendly and close to the person you walk with every day. As you walk, you’ll share stuff that is close to your heart, your joys and challenges will be a matter for conversation. You will be able to stand up for one another. You will get to know the secrets of God because you will be intimate with Him.

We can only become close to God through Jesus Christ, for he came to bridge the gap between man and God. Today the Holy Spirit is the part of the Godhead that is available to man at all times. You can start a determined walk today by setting apart time to get to know Jesus. Read your Bible, meditate on what you read, decide to be obedient and pray. Be determined to be a witness of Jesus Christ. Spread the Good News.

Lord, I want to be your friend and I want to know you more. I want to walk with you, talk with you, listen to you and be close to your heartbeat. Help me to share our relationship with the world. Let me be a part of what you are doing in these times. Teach me all it takes to walk with you. Let my life be pleasing to you alone in Jesus name. Amen.

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 48

Exodus 24-25
Ruth 3
Psalm 7
Jeremiah 48
Luke 4

2 Corinthians 4

Friday, August 25, 2017

Isaiah 60: 1 - I Stand Up

Photo credit: dailypromisecards.com


Jesus said to the dead girl in Mark 5: 41 arise and the girl arose. Jesus spoke to the sleeping disciples in Mark 14: 42 rise up and let us go. The angels said to Lot in Genesis 19: 15 take your wife and daughters and leave this city. In Genesis 13: 17, God said to Abram, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee. 

From the above, it should be clear that “arise” can mean different things to different people depending on their spiritual and physical state at the time the command is issued. In the past few days, we have learnt that some people are spiritually dead, some are sleeping and some are sitting with the wrong people.

You could also be hiding your faith. You are not proud to be identified as a Christian. Jesus said in Mark 8: 38 if anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when He returns to the glory of the Father. What would happen if Jesus is ashamed of you? It is time to stand up and be counted.

Today, it is also a call to action to those who sitting down and doing nothing about their spiritual lives or about the millions who need to hear the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Without you standing up, they will still be under lock down by the devil. Many who are bound by sickness and disease, poverty, darkness and sin have to be released into the marvellous light of God. It is time for the manifestation of the sons of God. Peter standing up with the eleven in Acts 2: 14 spoke and over three thousand were added to the Church.

Arise, my brother and sister. Stand up and move from where you were. Without standing there can be no shining. Let there be a determination to stand up for the light has come. Christ is the light and there has to be a change because your heart has received a new colour. Let the love of Christ envelope your heart and move you forward.


Thank you, Lord, for your light that has risen upon me. I arise from slumber and every form of weakness. I refuse every lie that I have previously believed that is contrary to the word of God. I rise to take my place and to impact my generation in Jesus name. Amen

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 47

Exodus 22-23
Ruth 2
Psalm 6
Jeremiah 47
Luke 3

2 Corinthians 3

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Psalm 1: 1 - Sitting With Mockers

Photo credit: https://dailyverses.net


Yesterday just as we assessed whether we are sleeping spiritually, today we assess, who do I sit with? Do I sit with mockers or at the feet of Jesus to learn and talk to Him?
Our text contrasts the path of the righteous man with that of the “unrighteous”. The righteous do not walk or receive counsel from the ungodly, nor does he mingle with sinners and he does not sit with mockers. The result is that he is blessed which means he is happy and fully contented with his life.

It is really a simple question. Who do you associate with? Do you sit down where God and the things of God are not sacred? It is agreed that presently in most countries, there is freedom of speech and association modern day, where men are free to do as they please.

Mockers are those who treat the Almighty God with contempt and derision. God, His servants and those who revere and worship Him are regarded as fools. They criticize, pour scorn and ridicule God. Such people do not see or regard what the Bible states as sin to be such. They gladly partake and believe while here on earth it is better to enjoy now because man does not know tomorrow. The concept of heaven and hell are not regarded as real.

It is understood that you might have been like this before you found Jesus Christ and you still have friends in such a group. Therefore you still meet up occasionally and when the subject of your faith comes up, you try to argue with them or at best you stay silent. Please understand that sitting with such people will cause you to be identified as being a part of them. If you read the rest of the chapter, you will find out what their end will be like.
For those who do not sit with mockers but find it difficult to sit down at the feet of Jesus to learn either because our personal life is so busy or chaotic, Jesus says in Luke 10:41-42 that it is better to spend time in His presence listening to Him than being bogged down in other things. I also encourage you, create the time and you’ll be better for it. An additional benefit is the promise of God in Psalm 110:1 which says The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Tomorrow by God’s grace we’ll pray for the “Standing Christian”.


Help me ,Father, to choose my friends carefully. Help me understand that loyalty to you is beneficial to me than my loyalty to friends. Order my steps Lord so I do not end up where you are being mocked.
I also ask that you help me to order my priorities at all times so I create time to spend with you every day. Let your name be glorified in Jesus name.

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 46

Exodus 20-21
Ruth 1
Psalm 5
Jeremiah 46
Luke 2

2 Corinthians 2

Ephesians 5: 14 - No More Sleep

Photo credit: sportweasel.com


Yesterday we prayed about one who is separated from God or dead to God. Today we will assess if we are sleeping spiritually and pray. A man who is dead is gone and lost to the world while the one who is asleep though not dead physically is not conscious of what is happening around him. Just as a true believer in Jesus Christ can become a sleeping Christian, so also a Church can be alive but asleep. Such a Church is described as a lukewarm Church which God said in Revelation 3:16 He will spew out of His mouth if they did not change their ways.

The Christian who is sleeping was connected to Jesus Christ but is now no longer connected. How would you know whether you have slipped into a sleeping position? Your faith is now treated as routine. Miracles are nothing to rejoice about. It is no different to ticking boxes. Attend Church – yes, bring offering – yes, pray before meals – yes, home Fellowship – no, not today. You are operating in minimal obedience and compliance. The love of Christ is not the motivation for the things you do. If this is the case, then you are sleeping.

Closely aligned to the point above, when you treat your faith as something that has to be done not something that you should do is another indication of sleep. For example reading your Bible does not stir your faith and there is no new revelation. When your faith is now a burden, there is a problem that needs solving.

You have never served in Church or you have now become a bench warmer in Church. For example, you used to sing in the choir or work in a unit and you no longer do so. Excuses are easy to reel out than overcoming obstacles to service. The passion for the things of God is no longer in you. You would put time and energy into a relationship or what you are passionate about. When you are no longer passionate, you are sleeping.

You are sleeping when you are not concerned about what is happening around you. A sinner dying and going to hell is unimportant. You do not see any opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The needs of your community, large or small have no impact on you.  We are sometimes lulled into a false sense of security because we and possibly immediate family are saved. Jesus Christ said the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. Proverbs 11:30 says he who wins souls is wise. Therefore if evangelism is not for you, then you are sleeping.
Relaxing after victory can also lead to sleeping. Improved financial status and answered prayer can also lead to sleeping too. The times of trials were a time of fasting and prayer. If prayer and fasting have now suddenly become difficult, a sleepy state will result. This, unfortunately, will open the door to the enemy who goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.
Tomorrow by God’s grace we’ll pray for the “Sitting Christian”.


Lord, please open my eyes to the opportunities for evangelism. Let me start to care for the people around me. Let there be compassion in my heart for souls that the enemy has clamped down.
Take away every pride that has lulled me into false security. Let me continue to depend on you. I pray that I will continue to appreciate everything you have done and will continue to do for me.
Let me be more passionate. Draw me close to you my Father. Let me start enjoying spending time with you again.
Help me to keep good company so I do not fall into the hands of those who are sleeping.
I do not want to be found asleep on the day that you will come. Help me, Lord, to stay awake in Jesus name. Let your grace draw me close again in Jesus name. Amen

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 45

Exodus 18-19
Judges 21
Psalm 3
Jeremiah 45
Luke 1

2 Corinthians 1

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Ephesians 2: 1 - Do Not Be Separate from God

Photo credit: https://listeningfaithfullyblog.com


It is clear to both young and the old that death is the opposite of life. The body of the dead person is separated from the soul and spirit. Before Adam and Eve sinned, they were in direct contact with God. Their sin led to separation from God. Psalm 51: 5 says for I was born a sinner--yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. Therefore the nature of sin was inherited.

Yes, a nature of sin is inborn, continuing a life of sin will contribute to the separation of the man, though alive physically but is spiritually dead. The person who is dead does not have the capacity to love God and obey Him. That person is a lone ranger. Such a person has been described as a “dead man walking”. Romans 2:5 lets us know that people who are dead to God await His wrath in judgment.

Luke 1:79 lets us know that men who are separated from God are in darkness, held captive by satan and are operating in the shadow of death. Men who die separated from God here on earth will continue to be separated in eternity. (Spending eternity in hell must not be an option for any man). This is because the wages of sin is death and the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. God in His love has provided a way out of the certain death that awaits the sinner. While we were yet sinners God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die in the place of every man, including those who haven’t been born yet.  

John 3:16 says for God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Colossians 2:13 asserts that every sin has been forgiven. The key word in John 3:16 is believe. Believe that Jesus has paid the price, job done. Keep it simple, call on Jesus now as Romans 10: 13 says that - for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Tomorrow by God’s grace we’ll pray for the “Sleeping Christian”.


I do not want to be separated from you either here on earth or in eternity. The death of Jesus Christ concerning me, will not be in vain. You have said anyone that calls on you will be saved. I call on you now, please bring to my remembrance all my sins. I confess them and I ask that you forgive me. As you have promised, wipe them off and let me become a new man from this moment in Jesus name. Amen.

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 44

Exodus 16-17
Judges 20
Psalm 2
Jeremiah 44
Mark 14

1 Corinthians 16

Sunday, August 20, 2017

1 Samuel 17: 37 - He Will Deliver Me

Photo credit: www.first-baptist-church-carrolton-ky.com


The Philistine armies had gathered for battle against the army of Israel. Goliath, champion of the Philistines who weighed around 800lbs and must have been about 9ft 6ins tall had dared anyone to come out and partake in a winner takes all fight. He did this for 40 days!!
The Bible says that Israel’s army led by King Saul was dismayed and afraid. None of them was bold enough to respond to the taunts of Goliath.

The situation the army of Israel faced is no different from that faced by every child of God. We have an enemy – satan who goes about like a lion seeking whom to devour. The devil is all bark with no bite because our Lord Jesus Christ fought and defeated satan. The devil uses fear just as Goliath did and we all should know that God has not given us the spirit of fear. Rather we have the spirit of power, of love and a sound mind.

David appeared on the scene and he heard the words of Goliath. He was so incensed that an uncircumcised Philistine could stand up to defy the army of the Living God.  He immediately offered to fight Goliath and Saul was informed of his offer. Saul questioned David’s ability because he was a youth. David told Saul with confidence, I have numerous testimonies. He said not once but twice has the Lord delivered me when I was attacked, both times I killed the animals. As I did then, I will do to Goliath.

Based on your experience of God, like David, you should be confident that every challenge that comes your way, you will overcome. Luke 10:19 says behold, I have given you the authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. You have power with God. Your confidence is based on the truth in the word of God. Isaiah 54:15 says behold, they shall surely gather together, but not from me: whosoever shall gather together against you shall fall for your sake.

Stand firm today and enforce the victory that was won for you on the cross by the Lord Jesus. No matter how long the situation has existed just like the Philistines bullied the army of Israel for a while, the Lord will deliver you as He has promised.


I receive boldness based on your promises to stand against every challenge from satan and agents in Jesus name. I reject every situation organised to put fear into me in Jesus name. Thank you for I have power with you. Thank you for giving me victory on every side in Jesus name. Amen

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 43

Exodus 14-15
Judges 19
Psalm 1
Jeremiah 43
Mark 15

1 Corinthians 15

Saturday, August 19, 2017

1 Samuel 16:11-12 - My Time Has Come

Photo credit: www.outsetministry.org


God instructed Samuel to go and see Jesse the Bethlehemite for He the Lord had made one of Jesse’s sons, king over Israel. Samuel made the journey, met with Jesse and told him to bring his sons for a sacrifice. Jesse obliged him and came along with his sons to the parade. As they stepped in, Samuel saw Eliab and thought; this must be the one for he had the appearance of a king.

Immediately God told Samuel, he wasn’t the chosen one. Samuel the foremost Prophet made a mistake. How many times do those in authority, spiritual and otherwise make mistakes in choosing leaders for different positions? Six other sons came forward and the result was the same. These guys were not the reason that Samuel came all the way from his home. Men tend to be carried away by stature, beauty, wealth, experience, ethnicity, poise, spoken language and much more. The Almighty God who knows the end from the beginning has different criteria. God looks at the heart.

We make decisions affecting marriage, lifelong relationships, business and even in Church. If men are naturally inclined to making a judgment by appearance as we can’t see into a man’s heart, then the proper thing is to seek divine direction before such decisions are made.

Samuel was forced to ask, do you have another son as God had told him the new king was a son of Jesse. Yes, was the response. This last son was keeping the sheep. He was so unimportant that his father didn’t mention his name. It is possible for parents to favour a child compared to other children which could negatively affect destiny.

Men might see you as insignificant but God certainly sees you differently. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and a peculiar people. You are significant in God’s eyes. You matter dearly to your Maker and your blessings will not pass you by.
King Ahasuerus lost his sleep because it was time for Mordecai to be blessed. May your channel of blessing be steered up today in Jesus name.
Samuel said everyone would stand until David arrived. May the welcome party to your uplifting keep standing until you arrive in Jesus name.  


Help me to seek you before making any decisions. Let me not rush into any judgment.
My time will not pass me by in Jesus name. My position will not be taken up by another person in Jesus name. By God’s special grace, I will be in the right place and at the right time in Jesus name. I thank you, for I step into my blessings in Jesus name.

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 42

Exodus 12-13
Judges 18
Job 42
Jeremiah 42
Mark 14

1 Corinthians 14

Friday, August 18, 2017

1 Samuel 15:35 - God Will Not Reject Me

Photo credit: www.keyway.ca


The LORD had rejected Saul from being King over Israel mainly because of his disobedience. We should continue to pray that God would have no reason to reject us as His children and also from any position that we occupy.

Saul had been anointed King over Israel and told specifically to obey the words of God. His first assignment was to smite the Amalekites and utterly destroy them without sparing any one of them including their animals. The Amalekites had attacked the Israelites when they were leaving Egypt hundreds of years ago. Please note that God does not forget sin.
Saul in his wisdom destroyed the people but he spared King Agag and the best of the animals. We are told he destroyed all that he considered worthless.
Verse 11 says God repented that He had made Saul, king. The repentance of God was the same as grieving at the disobedience of Saul. He feels the same when his children who are made in His image and after His likeness disobey His word. Disobedience is a choice to reject the Almighty God and His word. The other part is the alternative which is to align with satan against the Almighty God.
God gives room for His children to confess their sins and come back to Him in repentance. 1 John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

In the case of Saul, when Samuel confronted him, Saul said in Verse 13 that he had performed the commandment of the LORD. On further questioning, Saul said it was the people who spared the animals. He came up with a litany of excuses. Do you always have a reason not to do the right thing? Do you hide behind someone else rather than own up to wrong doing? Saul did not take his chances to repent and he was punished.
Saul said the people kept the animals to use them as sacrifices to Samuel’s God not his own God. He had missed it completely. God is not interested in animal sacrifice. The sacrifices acceptable to God are a heart of repentance and bodies presented as living sacrifices which are holy and acceptable unto Him.

Saul did as he pleased which is an evidence of pride. It has been said that pride always leads to a fall. Is there hidden pride in your heart? It is easy to compare Saul’s relationship with God to David’s. David though not perfect was quick to seek forgiveness whenever he sinned. We can also use this opportunity to assess ourselves by asking, where am I with God? Do I please people rather than please God? Am I humble enough to seek forgiveness when I have done wrong?


I ask that you search my heart, remove every form of wickedness in Jesus name. Let your word cleanse every iniquity in me in Jesus name. Let every hidden pride be exposed. Give me a humble heart O God. Let a reverential fear envelope my heart such that I will desire to do the right things at all times in Jesus name.

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 41

Exodus 10-11
Judges 18
Job 41
Jeremiah 41
Mark 13
1 Corinthians 13