A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Ephesians 5: 14 - No More Sleep

Photo credit: sportweasel.com


Yesterday we prayed about one who is separated from God or dead to God. Today we will assess if we are sleeping spiritually and pray. A man who is dead is gone and lost to the world while the one who is asleep though not dead physically is not conscious of what is happening around him. Just as a true believer in Jesus Christ can become a sleeping Christian, so also a Church can be alive but asleep. Such a Church is described as a lukewarm Church which God said in Revelation 3:16 He will spew out of His mouth if they did not change their ways.

The Christian who is sleeping was connected to Jesus Christ but is now no longer connected. How would you know whether you have slipped into a sleeping position? Your faith is now treated as routine. Miracles are nothing to rejoice about. It is no different to ticking boxes. Attend Church – yes, bring offering – yes, pray before meals – yes, home Fellowship – no, not today. You are operating in minimal obedience and compliance. The love of Christ is not the motivation for the things you do. If this is the case, then you are sleeping.

Closely aligned to the point above, when you treat your faith as something that has to be done not something that you should do is another indication of sleep. For example reading your Bible does not stir your faith and there is no new revelation. When your faith is now a burden, there is a problem that needs solving.

You have never served in Church or you have now become a bench warmer in Church. For example, you used to sing in the choir or work in a unit and you no longer do so. Excuses are easy to reel out than overcoming obstacles to service. The passion for the things of God is no longer in you. You would put time and energy into a relationship or what you are passionate about. When you are no longer passionate, you are sleeping.

You are sleeping when you are not concerned about what is happening around you. A sinner dying and going to hell is unimportant. You do not see any opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The needs of your community, large or small have no impact on you.  We are sometimes lulled into a false sense of security because we and possibly immediate family are saved. Jesus Christ said the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. Proverbs 11:30 says he who wins souls is wise. Therefore if evangelism is not for you, then you are sleeping.
Relaxing after victory can also lead to sleeping. Improved financial status and answered prayer can also lead to sleeping too. The times of trials were a time of fasting and prayer. If prayer and fasting have now suddenly become difficult, a sleepy state will result. This, unfortunately, will open the door to the enemy who goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour.
Tomorrow by God’s grace we’ll pray for the “Sitting Christian”.


Lord, please open my eyes to the opportunities for evangelism. Let me start to care for the people around me. Let there be compassion in my heart for souls that the enemy has clamped down.
Take away every pride that has lulled me into false security. Let me continue to depend on you. I pray that I will continue to appreciate everything you have done and will continue to do for me.
Let me be more passionate. Draw me close to you my Father. Let me start enjoying spending time with you again.
Help me to keep good company so I do not fall into the hands of those who are sleeping.
I do not want to be found asleep on the day that you will come. Help me, Lord, to stay awake in Jesus name. Let your grace draw me close again in Jesus name. Amen

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 45

Exodus 18-19
Judges 21
Psalm 3
Jeremiah 45
Luke 1

2 Corinthians 1

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