A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

1 Peter 2:2-3 - Desire the Word of God


Following verse 1 which instructs new believers to lay aside sins, our text instructs believers especially new ones to desire spiritual growth. This verse serves as a reminder to many that the new birth in Jesus Christ is more than making Church every Sunday. Peter compares the appetite of a newborn baby for the mother’s milk with the appetite of a new believer. The desire of a new baby is natural so too should be the desire of a new believer.
The new baby needs to grow so too the new believer needs a daily dose of sound doctrine that will lead to a proper grounding in the ways of Christ. The old nature does not want you to develop spiritual muscles which will lead to growth. The old nature would tell you that bible study is for Ministers and mature Christians. The old nature says do not get involved in Church activities, do not volunteer or ignore the old testament and just concentrate on the new testament.
If you became born again by the word of God, I suggest that the sustenance of your faith can only be by the word of God. Your growth into the likeness of your Father, Jesus Christ will be determined by you allowing the word that you read to dwell richly in you.
If you desire the milk of the word, apart from the growth that you experience, there is another benefit. Verse 3 says that you have tasted that the Lord is good. Other translations say you have tasted the Lord’s kindness or that the Lord is sweet. You remember where you are coming from – a life of sin. You now have eternal life. You have tasted Jesus Christ. You live under His grace
If you have not desired the “sincere milk of the word”, you have to start desiring it. If you need strength to do so, strength is available through the Holy Spirit. Go for it.


Lord, help me it is time to start growing up. Let the desire for the word rise in me. I put away every excuse from this day in Jesus name. Let me taste your goodness. Let my life be transformed by my encounters in the word in Jesus name.

Bible Reading Plan in 26 weeks (Be part of the Bible Reading Program)
Day 31

Genesis 41-42
Judges 7
Job 31
Proverbs 31
Jeremiah 31
Mark 3
1 Corinthians 3

Revelation 19

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