A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Judges 6:14 - His backing is certain
Our father is God Almighty.
He knows all things. He is the all-powerful God. He will not give an assignment
without providing us with the tools and backing to complete the job successfully.
When we find out from him our purpose in life the next question must be, how do
I go about fulfilling this assignment?
Help me so that I do
not lose focus. Let me be fully aware whenever you speak to me..
Help me Lord to recognise
the power you have placed in me.
Help me Lord to be
confident that at all times you are with me. I thank you father in Jesus name.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Psalm 32:8 - Hear Instructions
The creator of the heavens
and the earth has offered guidance to man. God is the repository of wisdom, He
knows everything and He is everywhere for His eyes roam throughout the earth. I
encourage you to follow His instructions.
Help me Lord as I
surrender for instruction. Let my heart receive all instructions that I
Help me Lord to go the
way of life rather than the way of death.
Thank you Lord for the
good counsel I know I will receive from you in Jesus name. Amen
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Galatians 1:15 - Separated by Grace
God has a plan for
every child of his. This means that every child of God has access to God to
seek information on what he has been set apart to achieve.
Let your perfect will
be done in my life.
Thank you for calling
me by grace out of spiritual blindness and sin.
Thank you for helping
me trust in my Lord Jesus Christ for Jesus will see me through. Amen
Saturday, March 28, 2015
John 5:30 a - Dependence on the Master
Jesus Christ though he
was equal to God depended on his father for everything.
If you understand that
God brought you to this world for a purpose, then it is wise to ask him to lead
you every day of your life. For in him we live and move and have our being.
That is the recipe for success.
I want to succeed in life.
Help me Lord to surrender completely to you
in Jesus name. Amen
Friday, March 27, 2015
Ecclesiastes 10:10 - Sharpen my Intellect
It is time to work
smart. It is agreed that the vision being executed is from God, but without
asking for direction from the master the iron will become blunt out of
The One who gave the vision
has the knowhow. He is the repository of Knowledge. Your success is in His hands.
I need your help father. I ask you this day
to show me the way of success.
Sharpen my intellect daily so I can fulfil
every responsibility I have.
I do not want to work like an elephant but
eat like an ant.
Let your name be glorified in all that I do
in Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Proverbs 8:33 - I come for Instructions
God is wiser than the
wisest of men. Success in life is only achieved by following the dictates of
the One who has never failed. As He is the Alpha and Omega it makes sense to do
as He wants us to do.
I come to you LORD
Almighty for instructions for all you have placed in my hands.
As I read your word,
open my eyes to receive how to model my life.
Help me Lord to follow
without fail all that you tell me to do. Thank you father in Jesus name. Amen
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Ecclesiastes 10:15 - Refusing to Toil
I will not live a life
of toil.
I ask father that you
direct every step of the way to my destiny.
I am your child. I ask
for wisdom and knowledge that will enable me fulfil the vision you placed
before me.
I have prayed in Jesus
name. Amen.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Proverbs 6:23 - I need instructions
Help me Lord for I
need your instructions to shed light on how to fulfil my destiny.
I desire an end to a
life of trials and error.
Thank you for the
discipline that is part of the life of your children. Amen
Monday, March 23, 2015
1 Corinthians 9:26 - Life directed by God
Help me Lord as I look
up to you at all times in running the race of life forsaking all types of
aimless activity in Jesus name.
Help me to run the
race you have outlined for me with joy in Jesus name. Amen
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Psalm 118:1 - God is good
I thank You Lord for You
are good and being good is Your nature.
I thank You because You have continued
to have mercy on me despite my failings. Amen
Saturday, March 21, 2015
1 Corinthians 1:3-5 - Enriched by Grace
Lord I receive grace
to run the race of life and peace in the knowledge that you as my father are
with me at all times.
I thank you for the gifts
of the Spirit that enrich my utterance and knowledge.
Help me Lord so that
my utterance will draw men to you at all times in Jesus name. Amen
Friday, March 20, 2015
Colossians 4:2 - Constant Prayer
Help me to be constant
in prayer for all I need.
Let my desire to pray
improve my relationship with you.
Help me to be watchful
in prayer and giving thanks to you at all times in Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, March 19, 2015
John 9:25 - Miracle Working God
I thank you for I was blindfolded
on the road to nowhere but you found me. My eyes are now open and by your grace
I am on the way to heaven.
Thank you for the
miracles in my life which speak for themselves. I pray your miracles draw men
unto you in Jesus name. Amen
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Isaiah 25:1 - My God
By your grace you are
my God. By your covenant with me through Jesus Christ you are my God.
I magnify your name this
day, creator of the heavens and the earth, lover of my soul, my redeemer, my
shield and buckler.
Thank you for the great
and mighty things you have done.
Thank you for your
faithfulness; all you say always comes to pass. I have prayed in Jesus name.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Psalm 100:4 - Reason for Thanksgiving

I come to You today
with thanksgiving in my heart.
I give thanks to You
for all the benefits You have bestowed upon me.
I am happy that You
created me in Your likeness and after Your own image.
I bless Your holy
Monday, March 16, 2015
Psalm 100:3 - Surrender to the Shepherd
You are God.
Help me understand
this truth and what it entails.
You created me, I did
not create myself.
Help me behave like
sheep that is dependent on the shepherd.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Proverbs 31:10 - I am a virtuous woman
Mould me into a
virtuous woman O Lord.
Help me Lord to
support my wife/mother in her walk towards becoming a virtuous woman.
Help me to esteem my
wife/mother far above all material items in Jesus name. Amen
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Job 11:19 - I am not afraid
Yes I will lie down
and I will not be afraid of arrows from the camp of the enemy neither will I be
afraid of robbers.
By the grace of God I
will lie down in peace knowing that those that are with me are more than those
that are against me in Jesus name.
By your grace many
will come to me for counsel and I will provide solutions that all time.
I ask that you
distinguish me and bless me in Jesus name. Amen
Friday, March 13, 2015
Job 11:18 - Secure in Hope
Despite the challenges
and difficulties around me, I thank you Lord because of my assurance that my
tomorrow will be better than by today.
Help me Lord to look
around in faith to see protection, provision and promotion.
I pray father that I
will not live in fear, rather I will sleep in quiet and peace in Jesus name.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Zechariah 2:10 - Enjoying His Presence
Thank you father for
sending your son to fulfil your word.
Thank you for your
presence in my life protecting and providing for me.
Thank you for the
confidence that your presence gives to your children in Jesus name. Amen
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
2 Corinthians 13:11 - Living in Peace
Help me Lord to live
right rejecting the choice of sin.
Let the promises of
the gospel bring comfort to my heart; help me give comfort to those I come into
contact with in Jesus name.
Let disunity come to
an end in the body of Christ. Help us to live in peace in our homes, churches
and communities in Jesus name.
As I live in love and
peace, take delight in me, come and dwell in my life in Jesus name. Amen
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
2 Kings 4: 9-10
Grant me the heart and
the resources to be a blessing to Kingdom work around me.
Let my spouse be in
total agreement with me without question.
Help me Lord to
identify men of God and their needs.
Thank you father in
Jesus name. Amen
Monday, March 9, 2015
Psalm 121: 5-6 - My Protection
You are the covenant
keeping God.
Thank You because You
will never leave me nor forsake me.
You are all around me
watching carefully to ensure I am safe.
I pray that the heat
of the day will not harm me neither will the cold of the night too.
Culled from:
PRAYING THE WORD OF GOD: Turning Psalms into Prayer
PRAYING THE WORD OF GOD: Turning Psalms into Prayer
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Psalm 1:2 - Delight in the word
me a heart that delights in the law of the LORD.
Help my heart to stay on Your
word at all times.
As I delight in Your word, let my relationship with You grow
closer and closer every day.
Culled from:
PRAYING THE WORD OF GOD: Turning Psalms into Prayer
PRAYING THE WORD OF GOD: Turning Psalms into Prayer
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Psalm 1: 1
By Your grace I will
not be ungodly and I will live in the fear of God.
Steer my heart away
from the counsel of the wicked.
Help me run away from
rebelling against God by sinning.
With Your help I will
not stand in the path of sinners.
With Your help I will
not be found in the company of those who mock You and all You stand for.
Culled from:
PRAYING THE WORD OF GOD: Turning Psalms into Prayer
PRAYING THE WORD OF GOD: Turning Psalms into Prayer
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