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No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the
one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the
other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon – The two
masters referred to are God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and
mammon, an idol worshipped as the god of riches and worldly goods.
The two
masters have different interests and affections hence the difficulty in serving
both at the same time. Mammon is greed and gluttony. Those who are mastered by
mammon serve it, chase after it, and go to any lengths to get it, worship it and
believe in it.
On the
other hand, God is love and He provides for His own. God is faithful and He
wants His children to love Him with all their hearts, souls and bodies. He also
wants us to love our neighbours as ourselves.
You’d see
that the lover of mammon will despise those who love God Almighty because their
goals are different. Please note
carefully that this does not equate to deciding not to work or earn money or to
have nice things. The love of these things is what we are being warned against.
I want to serve you with all my heart, knowing
fully well that you will make a way for me. I am proud to identify that you are
my Master, my King and my God. Help me to resist greed in every area of my
life. Help me to work hard. Rather than serve money, money will serve me in
Jesus name. Amen