A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Luke 16:13 - I Choose to Serve God

Photo credit: slideplayer.com


No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon – The two masters referred to are God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth and mammon, an idol worshipped as the god of riches and worldly goods.

The two masters have different interests and affections hence the difficulty in serving both at the same time. Mammon is greed and gluttony. Those who are mastered by mammon serve it, chase after it, and go to any lengths to get it, worship it and believe in it.

On the other hand, God is love and He provides for His own. God is faithful and He wants His children to love Him with all their hearts, souls and bodies. He also wants us to love our neighbours as ourselves.

You’d see that the lover of mammon will despise those who love God Almighty because their goals are different.  Please note carefully that this does not equate to deciding not to work or earn money or to have nice things. The love of these things is what we are being warned against.


I want to serve you with all my heart, knowing fully well that you will make a way for me. I am proud to identify that you are my Master, my King and my God. Help me to resist greed in every area of my life. Help me to work hard. Rather than serve money, money will serve me in Jesus name. Amen


Thursday, September 29, 2016

Isaiah 38:18-19 - Let the Living Praise God

Photo credit: slideshare.net


For the grave cannot praise thee, death cannot celebrate thee: they that go down into the pit cannot hope for thy truth. The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day – God told Prophet Isaiah to tell King Hezekiah who was sick that he was going to die. Immediately the Prophet left him, the King prayed to God in tears in verse 3 telling God why he should not die. In Verses 4 – 8 the prayer answering God immediately instructed the Prophet to go back to the King to inform him that He, (God) had added 15 years to the King’s age.
Today’s text is part of the response of the King when he received the good news that he had been given additional time here on earth. These two verses let us know that there is no physical activity after death. The things that are taken for granted here on earth can no longer be performed after death. One of these things is praising God which is a command from God. Psalm 148: 5 says let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being.
The King was saying if I was dead, I will no longer be able to praise you as I am doing today. He also said the dead have no more access to the promises of God. All the privileges of life are not available to the dead. Salvation is for the living and not for the dead.

the father to the children shall make known thy truth – Fathers who have knowledge and have experienced the goodness and the loving kindness should pass this on to future generations.
Today we see the business of prayer has to be taken seriously. We see the praise of God is commanded and obviously there is no physical activity after death. While alive, every effort should be put into fulfilling your purpose.


Lord I acknowledge that the power of life and death is in your hands. Do not let me die before my appointed time. Help me to live a life of continuous praise to you in Jesus name. Make me fruitful, give me children and help me to teach them about your faithfulness. Help me to teach them to praise and worship you at all times. Thank you my King and my Maker. Thank you my Lord and my God. Blessed be your holy name. Amen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Luke 19: 5 - Come And Stay In My House

Photo credit: slideshare.net


When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, "Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today – Zacchaeus was a rich and important man in his community. Today if not in the community many regard themselves as important in their own space. Zacchaeus found out Jesus was in town like we all know where Christians gather to meet Jesus.
Jesus knows everything about everybody because He is Omniscient. He knows your situation. Jesus is love, Jesus is mercy, Jesus is compassion, Jesus is grace. Jesus is reaching out to you today, wanting to come into your heart. Isn’t it amazing that even though Jesus had never met Zacchaeus, He called Him by His name. Believe that He knows your name as you are inscribed on the palm of His hands. Let there be a glorious change in your life today, heed the call. Make that move right now!!


As you reached the spot in the life of Zacchaeus, I accept that you have reached me. Rather than run to you, I have been running away. I come out of my comfort zone today. I open up my heart, my house, all I am and all I have to you. I ask not for a visit but for a permanent stay in my life. Thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Exodus 23: 30 - Drive Out My Enemy

Photo credit: www.jarofquotes.com


By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, until thou be increased, and inherit the land – God had promised a land filled with milk and honey to the people of Israel. The Promised Land was not empty of people. Therefore the inhabitants had to be driven off in one form or the other.
What we know of the Almighty God tells us He is a Master Strategist. We also know that He knows the end from the beginning. The land had to be tilled until the people of Israel were ready to occupy. The Almighty God certainly had the power to drive them out in an instant. He might have planned to take the Israelites through challenges to strengthen their faith before their coming into the promised inheritance.
We see the ever faithful God keeping His promise like He always does and Israelites possessing the land until this day. You should pray that every promise to you should come to pass in Jesus name.


Let all who occupy my space be removed in Jesus name. Let every agent of the enemy out to cheat me of my inheritance be identified and removed in Jesus name.
I am ready for my increase. I ask that you increase me on every side. Help me Father to work on all you have given me. Help me to maintain them and pass them on to my future generations in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mark 10: 15 - Receiving the Kingdom

Photo credit: megafree2009.blogspot.com


I tell you the truth – Other translations say assuredly or verily. Jesus Christ used these words whenever what He wanted to say was very important.
anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it – Little children have pure minds. Their minds are inquisitive and they want to learn. They are dependent on their parents for all that they need. Little children are humble and they are meek. We must manifest the spirit of little children to receive the Kingdom of God.
What is the Kingdom of God? It is the coming reign of the Messiah – Jesus Christ over the earth. This is the essence of the gospel.
To enter into the Kingdom whose King is Jesus Christ, accept with the simplicity of a little child.

As an adult with well-formed views, grant me grace to accept the gospel like a child. Let the mind of Christ who as God humbled Himself to become a man rest upon me. Let there be hunger in me wanting to know more all the time. Help me to become friends with the Holy Spirit always seeking help at all times in Jesus name. Amen  

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Luke 11:4 - Forgive Us Our Sins

Photo credit: www.jarofquotes.com


And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us – We commit sin against God and the penalty of sin is death. Only God has the power to forgive and He has given up His Son - Jesus Christ for that purpose. God will forgive all who ask Him for forgiveness. It should be clear from this verse that you can’t continue to harbour evil thoughts and revenge against those who have offended you and still expect God to forgive you.

And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil – Let it be clear in your mind that God does not tempt people. As He is All Powerful, He has the power to save all who come to Him from the tempter who is satan. Without the help of God we are liable to fall into the calamities, traps or trials that the devil has programmed against us.


You have promised that you will forgive me if I ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me of all my sins in Jesus name. Wash me clean from the stain of sin in Jesus name. I need help against the daily temptations that I encounter. Help me to walk under your banner so that the evil plans of the enemy are nullified in Jesus name. Amen.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Luke 11:3 - Give Us Our Daily Bread

Photo credit: www.jarofquotes.com

Yesterday we prayed using the first verse of The Lord’s Prayer. The disciples of Jesus Christ came to Him asking that He taught them how to pray. We saw that we should always start prayer by giving glory to God.


Give us – Asking God for bread acknowledges that you are dependent on Him. Saying us rather than me means you are also praying for the needy.
day by day - Asking God day by day shows you are learning patience and moderation. Asking God day by day shows continued dependence on God as children are dependent on their parents for all that they need. As God provides for those who ask Him day by day so should we be reminded that we have a responsibility to go out and provide for those who are dependent on us.
our daily bread – Bread includes everything that is needed to sustain you in life. Psalm 81:10 says open your mouth wide and I will fill it. You are free to ask your Father for anything and everything.

I bless you my Father and my God. You are beautiful beyond description; you are too marvellous for words and too wonderful for comprehension
I come to you this day that you bless me, let me meet with favour in all my undertakings. Help me so I can provide for my family. I ask on behalf of the homeless and hungry, that you make way for them today in Jesus name. Amen

Friday, September 23, 2016

Luke 11:2 - Our Father

Photo credit: slideplayer.com

There are very many instances where Jesus Christ as a man prayed. He gave himself to the discipline of prayer. We are told in verse I that one of the disciples approached Jesus, asking Him to teach them how to pray.


And he said unto them, when ye pray say – Jesus proceeded to give a pattern for prayer. Many have recited the Lord’s Prayer from childhood.  Unfortunately Prayers are just mere words if not backed up by faith. We should also note that Jesus said when you pray and not if you pray.

Our Father – We are meant to start prayer by acknowledging God as a Father of all who are adopted into His family. These are people who believe Jesus is the Son of God and that Jesus died for the sins of the world. God is Father also because He created the heavens and the earth. Therefore there is meant to be a relationship based on love and respect between you and your father.

which art in heaven – This is a declaration that His throne is in heaven and from there, He can see everything and everybody, for He is omniscience. This is to acknowledge that all power in heaven belongs to Him.

Hallowed be thy name – To hallow God is to declare that God is holy and everything about Him is holy. We are exalting or lifting Him above everything. Hallowing the name of God is the same as hallowing God and every attribute associated with God. We hallow Him with our mouths, with our thoughts and with our lives. We hallow Him with the way we live in public and in private too.

Thy kingdom come – This is to express the desire that His kingdom reigns throughout the earth by the obedience of man to all the laws of God. This is a call that the gospel of Christ fills the earth. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth – This is an extension of “thy kingdom come” When the kingdom of God has come to the earth. His will, will be done in heaven and on earth.

I bless and magnify your name. I give you glory and I honour you. My King and my God, you are worthy to be praised and adored. There is none like you. Let your perfect will be done in heaven and on earth. Help me Father to live according to your will for my life forever and ever in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Proverbs 16:3 - Commit All to the Lord

Photo credit: versetops.wordpress.com


Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established – It is to tell God of every situation and every plan before you go ahead. The works can be the things you want to do or things people do or say to you. It is to lay them open before Him. To commit is to transfer the responsibility for success to the Lord. To commit is to roll away every fear or distress to the Lord.
To commit is to be at rest in the Lord and to wait patiently for Him to come through. He always does and He will do for you.
To commit is not to stop you doing your daily duties. You’ll play your part and leave the Lord to play His. The added benefit is that you will receive strength for your daily duties.
He is the Way Maker. Leave Him to pave the way and you will then follow through. When you commit all to Him, you show the Master respect, you are declaring that He is Sovereign over your life. He has all the wisdom that you need. He has all the power too. Above all, He is faithful.


I commit everything before you this day. There are things ahead of me that bring fear into my heart. There are things that I worry about, help me Lord. I also realise that there are things that I do not worry about because I have always taken care of them. I now realise this is wrong. I commit all these into your hands as well.
I ask for your strength to see me through daily from now on. Help me as I commit to come to you every day, every week, every month and every year.
Let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Proverbs 16:2 - The True Judge

Photo credit:  www.slideshare.net


All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes - Human beings believe they have no character flaws. There is a tendency to think I am right and the other person is wrong. This is self-righteousness. The man who is self-righteous is proud and always operates on a premise of “my way or no way”. We are taught that our self-righteousness is like filthy rags before God. God hates pride and pride stops man from seeking God.

but the LORD weigheth the spirits – The Almighty God is the One who is impartial. He looks beyond the outward action and sees the motives behind every action and He judges accordingly.


By the grace of God, I close the door of my heart against every form of pride in Jesus name. I receive the righteousness that only Jesus Christ can confer on me with joy today. Father help me not to look down on any person for any reason in Jesus name. Amen

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Nahum 1: 13 - Free From Bondage

Photo credit:  tuesdaystorch.com


Now I will break their yoke from your neck and tear your shackles away – The people of Israel had been under bondage imposed by the king of Assyria. They had to pay tributes regularly to him. His armies surrounded the country and none could come or go out. They lived in total fear.
The Lord of Hosts came to their rescue and He decided to completely destroy the enemy and bring salvation to His people. The destruction of this army was such that they would never rise up against the people of Israel.
Are you under any form of bondage? Do you continually do something you don’t want to do? Are you suffering from any addiction? Is there a secret sin you are involved in? Do you feel you are where you are today because of past mistakes? Are making payments to someone you should not be making?
Believe today that the Lion of the tribe of Judah is on your side. He is indeed Almighty and All Powerful.  He has come to set you free.


I recognise my sin and I ask for forgiveness. Thank you Father for Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sin. Every grip of the devil and his agents over my life is broken in Jesus name. Every torment from the enemy has come to an end. Let every financial loss come to an end in Jesus name. Thank you for complete transformation in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, September 19, 2016

1 Kings 17: 22 - Hear My Voice O God

Photo credit:  biblepic.com


There was famine in the land and God had instructed the widow of Zarephath to feed Prophet Elijah. While the Prophet lived in the widow’s house, her son fell ill and died. This was brought to Elijah’s attention and he cried to God in prayer.

And the LORD heard the voice of ElijahJames 5: 16b says the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. Elijah had a relationship with God and he connected immediately. Elijah prayed and his desperation for a miracle was clear. He did not beat about the bush; he went straight to the matter at hand. Elijah was persistent and it is no surprise that the prayer was answered. That same God wants to hear your voice. You must always remember that you are His child and you shouldn’t be silent.

and the soul of the child came into him again, and he revived – With the power of God on your side, there is nothing dead that can’t be revived. The devil attempted to cut short the child’s destiny.  Let your destiny be revived from this day in Jesus name. Amen


As I pray today and always, hear my voice O Lord. Help me Father so that my voice is recognised in heaven at all times. I will not be weary and I will not be tired of prayer. Let every dead situation receive life now in Jesus name. Let everything that has been stolen from me be returned now in Jesus name. Let my spirit, soul and body be revived. Let my home receive new life. Let my ministry receive new life. Let my finances receive new life in Jesus name. Amen

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Ephesians 3:20 - God is Able

Photo credit:  slideplayer.com


Now to Him who is able to do – God is able to do, because human beings are limited in what they can do while He, the Almighty has unlimited power. God is omnipotent (all powerful) and He is the Most High, meaning He is higher than whatever is the highest. With God all things are possible. You should for a minute think about what happened at creation and be in awe of Him.

exceedingly abundantly – These double words are translated from the Greek word “perissos”. It means over and above, more than necessary, extraordinary and superior. It also means ‘to an extent that which cannot be expressed’.  There is no limit to the extent God can go for you!!

above all that we ask or think – You are free today to ask for anything which God has promised in His word. You can imagine the things you know and those that you don’t. You can go beyond what is indescribable. Nothing is beyond the Master.

according to the power that works in us – This is the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. The evidence of this power in you is that you were touched by this power and God brought you into His family by grace through Jesus Christ.
Have you doubted God? Have a change of heart today. Have faith in the divine ability of God to see you through each and every situation.


I bow down and worship you, Almighty God. You are too marvellous for words. Father, you are indescribable. Thank you for putting me in a position where I can ask you for anything. Thank you for making me aware that nothing is too much for you to do for me.
Help me Lord to ask according to your will. Do not delay in answering every single prayer. Thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Isaiah 30:21- My Ears Will Hear The Voice of God

Photo credit:  advancingnativemissions.com

The earlier verses in this chapter reveal God admonishing the Israelites for turning to Egypt rather than Him in times of crisis.
Is this relevant to you today? Who do you turn to, which voices are loudest in your ears? Counsel is available everywhere, agony aunties in the newspapers, so called economic experts on television, the internet is awash with answers to every question, social media etc


And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left – Be assured that God still speaks. He spoke in the past and He is speaking, for  Hebrews 18: 8 says He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
You are encouraged to seek the Holy Spirit at all times. He has the solution to every problem of every nature. Remember that there is nothing new under the sun. God Almighty is the ageless one. At your crossroads, rather than panic ask your Father for direction. He wants to help you. Do not discount the word of God.
Believe Jeremiah 29: 11 which says - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.


Help me so I do not go back to the unprofitable past when I need answers. I align myself to the blessings available to me in Christ rather than the curses which are for the children of satan.
Help me Father to turn to you at all times. Help me to be dependent on you for inspiration and direction in Jesus name. Help me to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Amen

Friday, September 16, 2016

Numbers 20:12 - Seeing and Entering into God's Promises

Photo credit:  slideplayer.com


And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given themVerse 2 of this chapter tells us that the people of Israel gathered against Moses and Aaron because there was no water for them to drink. In verse 8, the Lord instructed Moses to speak to the rock and there would be water for the people to drink and give to their animals too.
Moses rather than speak struck the rock twice and water came out. Before striking the rock, he attributed the miracle the people were about to experience to himself and his brother.
We see how God reacted to the behaviour of Moses and his brother. Moses in anger had done what he did and said what he said. His God given assignment was to lead the people into the Promised Land. After 39 years or so on this assignment, He was told that the people would enter the land but he wouldn’t be the one leading them into it.
In Numbers 27:12, God told Moses to climb Mount Abarim and have a peep into the Promised Land. He saw the promise but he did not enter into the promise. This will not be your story in Jesus name.


Help me to deal with every issue in my life that will stop me from entering into the promise of God. Help me to overcome all such issues speedily in Jesus name.
Nothing will separate me from the love of God in the mighty name of Jesus.
I will recognise the promise, I will see the promise and I will enter and enjoy every promise of God for me in Jesus name.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Genesis 18: 3 - Do Not Pass Me By

Photo credit: biblepic.com

The first two verses tell us that God appeared to Abraham. He had appeared to him earlier in Chapter 17. The encounters of Abraham were for a reason. God wants intimacy and friendship with his children.


And said, My Lord, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant – An encounter with God will lead to a turnaround in the life of any man. Destinies are awakened and stagnation becomes a thing of the past. Read Isaiah 6: 1-8 and see a man come unto himself. He realised his spiritual state and at the same time got his matching orders. His life was never the same again.
Abraham recognised this and invited the Lord into his home. Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart. Jesus does not force himself on people. Jesus comes in and prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. He anoints your head with oil and your cup starts to run over. Open the door and the story of your life begins afresh. Jesus is able to meet every need.
The first requirement is to be born again. Do not delay.


I accept the Lordship of Christ. Thank you for washing away my sins.
Come my way now O Lord. I am desperate for you. Come into my life, come into my home. Beautify me O Lord. Talk to me, let me hear from you. Let my life be renewed afresh, my Father and my King. Favour me my Father. Do not depart from me, for in your presence is fullness of joy and at your right hand, there are pleasures for evermore. Let it be so in my life in Jesus name.