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And blessed is the one who is not offended by me – The disciples of John the Baptist had come to Jesus Christ to ask him
whether He was the Messiah they had been waiting for. In verse 22, He told them to go and tell John the Baptist about the miracles
he had performed and what they had heard about Him. He then pronounced a
blessing on all who were not offended by Him.
Many found
offence in Jesus Christ then in those days and today the story continues. The
Jews did not believe that the son of a poor carpenter could be the Messiah. Some
were not happy that He surrounded Himself with the lowly in the society and
with sinners. The disciples of John the Baptist were offended because they
fasted but Jesus and His disciples were not seen to fast.
wants to find a reason will always fine one. Then and now there are those who
do not believe in the Trinity. Some take offence because the gospel of Christ
requires a life of holiness. Others take offence because of the conduct of some
who call themselves followers of Christ. No matter how poor the behaviour
exhibited by such people, it cannot be right to paint Jesus Christ with the same
brush. Many have been blinded by the agenda of the devil and they take offence
where Christians refuse to accept that these new ways of life are the “new normal” in the society.
We can
conclude that all who do deny Jesus Christ or who are not offended in Him are
blessed. All who receive Him and accept Him as Lord and Saviour are blessed.
All who despite the obstacles placed before them and who continue to profess
their faith are blessed.
To be blessed
is to be favoured by God. To be blessed by God is to live a life of prosperity
and success. To be blessed is to live in peace and joy. Do not allow any doubt
or prejudice to move you away from faith in Jesus Christ. It is wisdom not to
take offence in Jesus Christ.
Thank you
Lord for making grace available to all who believe in you. Help me Father to
continue to stand firm in faith. Help me Father to fill myself with your word.
Nothing I see or hear will cause me to join your enemy in Jesus name. Let every
plan of the enemy come to nothing in Jesus name.
Thank you
for the many blessings that have come my way. Thank you for the blessings that
are on the way to me. I pray that as for me and my household we shall serve you
forever in Jesus name. Amen.