A Prayer Blog Inspired By Our Everyday Reading Of The Bible.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Luke 7:23 - Blessed by Faith

Photo credit: www.slideshare.net


And blessed is the one who is not offended by me – The disciples of John the Baptist had come to Jesus Christ to ask him whether He was the Messiah they had been waiting for. In verse 22, He told them to go and tell John the Baptist about the miracles he had performed and what they had heard about Him. He then pronounced a blessing on all who were not offended by Him.

Many found offence in Jesus Christ then in those days and today the story continues. The Jews did not believe that the son of a poor carpenter could be the Messiah. Some were not happy that He surrounded Himself with the lowly in the society and with sinners. The disciples of John the Baptist were offended because they fasted but Jesus and His disciples were not seen to fast.

Whoever wants to find a reason will always fine one. Then and now there are those who do not believe in the Trinity. Some take offence because the gospel of Christ requires a life of holiness. Others take offence because of the conduct of some who call themselves followers of Christ. No matter how poor the behaviour exhibited by such people, it cannot be right to paint Jesus Christ with the same brush. Many have been blinded by the agenda of the devil and they take offence where Christians refuse to accept that these new ways of life are the “new normal” in the society.

We can conclude that all who do deny Jesus Christ or who are not offended in Him are blessed. All who receive Him and accept Him as Lord and Saviour are blessed. All who despite the obstacles placed before them and who continue to profess their faith are blessed.

To be blessed is to be favoured by God. To be blessed by God is to live a life of prosperity and success. To be blessed is to live in peace and joy. Do not allow any doubt or prejudice to move you away from faith in Jesus Christ. It is wisdom not to take offence in Jesus Christ.

Thank you Lord for making grace available to all who believe in you. Help me Father to continue to stand firm in faith. Help me Father to fill myself with your word. Nothing I see or hear will cause me to join your enemy in Jesus name. Let every plan of the enemy come to nothing in Jesus name.
Thank you for the many blessings that have come my way. Thank you for the blessings that are on the way to me. I pray that as for me and my household we shall serve you forever in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Luke 6:43 - Bearing Good Fruits

Photo credit: www.inspire21.com


A good tree does not bear bad fruit; nor does a bad tree bear good fruit – This verse is part of one of the parables of Jesus Christ which completed His sermon on the mount. False teachers and prophets abounded in those days and Jesus was simply saying that a man’s action reveals who the man really is. Ultimately you will be judged by your actions and your words. Your physical attributes and your dressing might give people a first impression but proper conclusions will be made from your behaviour.

As every man was born in sin, the ability to bear good fruit comes from being renewed by Jesus Christ. Your coming to Christ turns you from a bad tree into a good tree. The fruits you bear are the evidence seen by others to confirm that you are a part of the Christian community. The person who continues in sin knows no better. Such a person will only produce bad fruits. Galatians 5:19-21 gives a listing of the works of the flesh.

Bearing good fruit will become part and parcel of your everyday life. You will make mistakes sometimes but sinning is no longer the normal thing with you.


Let my mind-set be that of one who wants to do the right thing at all times. Help me Father to completely stop doing anything that will not glorify you. Help me to be aware that I am meant to be an encouragement to younger Christians and even non-Christians. By your special grace, no man will fall into sin because of me in Jesus name. Amen

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Act 2:36 - Jesus is Lord and Christ

Photo credit: slideplayer.com


Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain, that God has made Him both Lord and Christ – this Jesus whom you crucified – This verse is the conclusion of Apostle Peter’s sermon after Pentecost. Peter’s sermon was related from verse 14 of this chapter to verse 36.

Peter said that what was being witnessed in Jerusalem had been prophesied by the Old Testament Prophets. God the Father had allowed the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After Jesus Christ rose from the dead, His disciples and many others saw Him. Another evidence of His resurrection is the empty tomb that has remained empty till today. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and is now seated at the right hand side of the Father. Peter told those who were listening that before Jesus was crucified, He promised His followers the Holy Spirit and what they were seeing and hearing was a manifestation of that promise.

To conclude Peter said the Pentecost experience showed that the Messiah they were expecting had come and is now exalted by God seated in heaven on the right hand of God.  The same Jesus who had suffered and was crucified, has received the love of God and was raised from the dead. 

Jesus being Lord means He is the Master. He is the King. He is King over all flesh and He exhibits power over all principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. At the mention of His name, every knee bows and every tongue confesses that He is Lord.

The same Holy Spirit that descended on the disciples pricked the hearts of those who gathered and Peter told them they had to repent of their sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.


Just as the Holy Spirit touched hearts on the day of Pentecost, I ask that the hearts of all who are yet to accept Jesus as Messiah and Lord be touched today. I sow a seed of prayer that every hardened heart will receive Jesus today. I pray for revival in the land. Let there be revival across the nations, let the young and the old come to Christ. Let the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ be glorified. Amen

Monday, November 21, 2016

Deuteronomy 3:22 - The LORD will fight for you

Photo credit: www.versaday.com


Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God he shall fight for you – Moses was encouraging Joshua, his would be successor with a commandment, you shall not fear them. It would be wise to read the whole chapter so as to get a better hang of why Moses made this statement. Moses reminded Joshua how God had delivered kings and their kingdoms into the hands of the forces of Israel.

Be encouraged to look back at what God has done for you in the past. That same God is the same, yesterday, today and forever. God’s work is perfect too. He doesn’t do half measures. Whatever He starts, He always finishes. Sit back a little bit today and think back to how challenges suddenly became resolved without you lifting a finger. Remember how you suddenly mastered those difficult situations. It was God in action. He is faithful.

The enemy is an expert in dropping fear into the hearts of children of God but always remember that 2 Timothy 1: 7 tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind.

Moses told Joshua, the Lord your God; you can develop that level of relationship with Him too. Call on Him personally; thank Him for what He has done before, what he is doing now and what He will do in the future. Exodus 15: 3 tells us that The LORD is a man of war, the LORD is His name. He is the Commandment of the hosts of heaven and He has never lost a battle – one single battle. He will fight for you and you will hold your peace.


I thank you LORD God Almighty for your faithfulness. I thank you for the things you have done for me, especially those that I am not aware of. I thank you for the battles and the accompanying victories. My LORD and my God, my family and I are in your hands. I hand over to you today every battle ahead of me, take charge as you have always done and let your name be glorified in Jesus mighty name. Amen

Saturday, November 19, 2016

2 Timothy 2:24 - Kindness and Patience

Photo credit: hopehelphealing.com


A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people – I believe it is safe to say that anyone who worships God and obeys Him is His servant. In a world where quietness or meekness is regarded as a weakness, the servant of God is enjoined by Apostle Paul to be a man of peace. Pascal said kind words make people good natured, cold words freeze them, hot words scorch them, bitter words make them bitter and wrathful words make them wrathful. Choose your words carefully.

Some people look to pick a quarrel at every opportunity and there are people who believe they have to reply every single perceived insult from friend or foe. You are being encouraged to preserve the bond of peace. Quarrelling closes the door to sharing the gospel. You should plan not to miss out on every opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ who is the Prince of Peace. Your patience will be tested by people who are difficult. Do not give in to the voice that wants you to respond with fire.

Deep inside you, there is an ability to teach even the most ignorant or obstinate people the simplicity of the gospel. When you embrace the duty to teach the newer believer the truth of the gospel, blessings will accrue into your heavenly account.


Help me resist the temptation to always want the last say in every matter. I want to follow the example of Jesus Christ who was as gentle as a lamb. As the devil will always send its agents to cause trouble, I ask for a discerning spirit to identify the wiles of the devil even before they manifest. Help me to abstain from every form of evil. Help me to remember that people are watching me at all times.
Help me to be kind to all that I meet. Let my behaviour draw souls into the kingdom of God.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

2 Corinthians 4:17 - Eternity in Glory

Photo credit: www.biblesociety.ca


These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing – Little troubles or light afflictions as translated come in different dimensions and sometimes affect the body, soul and spirit in any combination. Apostle Paul, the writer of this letter to the Corinthians was imprisoned, beaten, suffered shipwrecks while on his travels. The troubles can come in the form of big time financial challenges, near death experiences, contempt by your peers and weariness for example.

We all want to live a trouble free life and even if troubles come our way we want them to end as soon as possible. Isaiah 48: 10 says Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. This tells us that God uses all afflictions to refine us. The troubles become light if you look unto God to see you through them. They are light when you live in the discovery that no matter what you are going through, God loves you. If you also stop for a moment and compare what you are going through with what Jesus Christ went through on your behalf, then the troubles are really little.

The troubles would seem like nothing because no matter the duration or how difficult the experience is, eventually they would pass away. The glory you are being assured of, is greater than earthly riches or possessions. It is greater than any titles that come to mind. The glory you are promised is the same as the glory that Jesus Christ received and will give to His children.

I encourage you to make a good choice today. You can either allow troubles to harden you or make you selfish or you can allow them to get you ready not only for joy here on earth but for an eternity of glory with Jesus Christ.


I thank you for you are good and you are kind. I ask that you see me through every challenge that comes my way. Help me Lord to keep my eyes focused on what will happen in the hereafter. Let the thoughts of eternal glory drive me through every situation that confronts me in Jesus name.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

1 John 5: 4 - Faith is Key to Victory

Photo credit: biblia.com

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith – Very many scriptures point to challenges and trials in the life of every man. John 16:33 says these things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. The world will always throw curve balls in your way.

Please be reminded that the Almighty God is still on His throne and in charge of your affairs. His promises are true and He is all powerful and all knowing. One assurance is that He answers prayers. That is His responsibility to you.

There is only one road to victory, your faith in God. This is the strength that you have. Your responsibility is to have faith in every promise of God to you. He is the promise keeper. As long as you maintain your faith moment by moment and day by day, you will overcome. Remember you are more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens you.

If you are reading this piece and you are not born of God, there is no thirst in your soul for Jesus or there is no excitement by the Holy Spirit for Jesus, consider what you are missing, world overcoming victory. Become one with Jesus by repenting of your sins and confess that Jesus the Son of God has died for your sins. That is the key that will unlock your victory.

Lord, thank you for all your promises to me. I used to think that every problem had been taken care off, but I now realise that problems will always arise. Help me to build my faith in Jesus. Do not allow me to succumb to temptation and unbelief. Let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Amen

Friday, November 11, 2016

2 Kings 25:30 - My Daily Rate

Photo credit: biblepic.com


And his allowance was a continual allowance given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all the days of his life – King Jehoiachin had been in captivity for thirty seven years and suddenly his captor decided that enough is enough. He was released and elevated above other kings in Babylon. Above this, he was promised a daily allowance for the rest of his life by King Evilmerodach.

Great news for him, but please remember Exodus 1: 8-14 that there came a time in Egypt when the King who knew not Joseph came to the throne. Recognition and provision by governments can stop or change. Dependence on people or institutions is not a wise move because they can change their minds or they can fold up. All over the world many organisations in existence forty years ago are no more.

The King was given a daily rate all the days of his life by another King. I know of a King who has never changed because He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He has promised you a daily rate. The daily rate does not spill over to the next day. Psalm 68:19 says He daily loads us with benefits. The daily rate is daily protection, daily victory, daily lifting up, daily provision and so on and so forth. I invite you to insert whatever blessing you require daily from the King who never changes. He has been doing it daily for children and He will continue to do so.


I thank you for my daily rate of blessings. Father, I have used up yesterday’s grace, I need grace to see me through today. My family and I went out yesterday, as we are about to go out today, keep us safe O Lord. I am going out to make a living, grant me my daily rate. My daily rate will not pass me by in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, November 10, 2016

2 Timothy 2:21 - Pure for God's Service

Photo credit: slideshare.net

If you keep yourself pure you will be a utensil God can use for his purpose. Your life will be clean and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work – This seems to mean that keeping yourself pure is your responsibility. 1 Thessalonians 5: 22 says that we should abstain from every appearance of evil. It is clear that if you run away from people who can defile you in any way, if you do not yield to the temptation of sin, than God can use you. Therefore no matter the type of vessel you are at a point in time, if you keep yourself right with the Holy Spirit as your helper you will be ready for the Master to use you.

Some translations of this verse use the term ‘sanctified’. Consecrating your soul, spirit and body will bring honour to you. The enemy or your former master will try to put cogs at every junction but be rest assured that you are an overcomer in Christ Jesus.

Serving God is noble and should be the aim of every one who accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour. This is because Jesus while here on earth was on an assignment from His Father. He went to the extent of washing the feet of His disciples. Your station in life should have no bearing on whether to serve God or not. Throw yourself wholeheartedly into service and God’s name will be glorified in your life.

Help me Lord to live a life that will be acceptable to you. Do not cast me away as one who is useless in your House. I want to serve you all of my life. Let your purpose be my purpose. Let me be ready for any assignment given to me. Help me Father in Jesus name. Amen.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

2 Timothy 2:20 - Vessels of Honour

Photo credit: http://davisparkchurchmodesto.com


Now in a large house there are not only gold or silver vessels but also vessels of wood and of earthenware - The verse starts with ‘but’ which suggests that it is linked to the earlier verses. Verse 19 says the foundation of the Church is secure based on our Lord Jesus Christ despite the attempts of many people to pollute the Church. Isn’t that right till this day?

The large house is the Church and members of the Church are the different types of vessels, gold, silver, wood and earthenware. It would not be correct to infer that some gifts or duties in Church are the ‘gold’ type of vessel while others are of the ‘wood’ variety because all services are equal before God. Tomorrow we’ll see the possibility of the ‘wood’ vessel being transformed into ‘gold’.

What should be clear is that, by the type of life you live and by the service that you give in God’s House, you can be a golden vessel.

and some to honour and some to dishonour Children of God are designed for honourable service. Children already have it in them to behave honourably thus bringing honour to their Father in heaven. As you bring honour to God, so will you receive honour and glory from Him. Those who bring shame and dishonour to God by their actions but within and outside the Church will be covered in contempt forever. You will not be a part of the latter group in Jesus name. Amen

I thank you my Father for opening the doors of your house to me. As I am a joint heir with Christ I am now a part owner of the house too. What a privilege!
By your grace I will be a vessel of gold in Jesus name. I pray wherever I am, I will be a vessel of honour. As I lift your name up, many will be drawn into your House in Jesus name. I pray that every plan of the devil to cause me to act in a dishonourable manner will always fail in Jesus name. I will live a life of continuous victory in Jesus precious name. Amen

2 Timothy 2:16 - Empty Chattering and Ungodlines

Photo credit: www.pixteller.com


But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness – Today we are in the social media age and every human being that has access to electronic devices has something to say about anything and everything. As good as this platform can be when it is used well, it can also become a time consuming activity with little or no benefit.

Paul was telling Timothy not be like false teachers who turn the gospel on its head with falsehoods and empty noise. Sometimes in trying to evangelise or defend our faith, we say things that have no bearing to the word of God. We get into arguments and it becomes impossible to speak to such people afterwards. Always seek to deposit the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to do the conviction.

We are being discouraged from participating in conversations that are idle and have no benefit to anybody. This verse is telling us to stop saying words that do not edify (build up) the person listening.  Your goal is to build up and not to destroy by the words that you say. A conversation that you realise is getting unnecessarily hot should be discontinued. For many people there is the desire to have the last word at all times but where this will lead to bitterness, ask the Holy Spirit to help you walk away from ungodliness.


Help me Father to obey you at all times. Help me Father to be aware of where conversations are headed to. When there is a possibility of arguments and fighting, let the Holy Spirit remind me to run. Sometimes it looks like I have to prove a point about Christianity, help me to remember that it is not within my power to touch any heart, rather you are the one that stirs people to yourself.
Help me Lord not to be part of any ungodliness in Jesus name. Amen

Monday, November 7, 2016

2 Timothy 2:15 - Approved by God

Photo credit: www.creationswap.com

Study to show yourself approved unto God – Apostle Paul writing to his spiritual son, Timothy was encouraging him to take the work of ministry very seriously. There is something to learn from this verse whether you have a role in Church or not. 1 Peter 2:9 calls you a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. Whether you are consecrated or ordained or not you are a priest to the Almighty Himself. You’d better start studying to show yourself approved by Him.

Many rather than wanting to please God seek to please men. Ministers sometimes think about how their messages will be taken by men rather saying what God has laid in their heart. Let your life goal be to please God. God Almighty show cased Jesus Christ. God said this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. One of the ways you can please Him is consistent study of the word of God. A benefit of pleasing God is that you will enjoy Divine favour.
a workman that needs not to be ashamed – You should be proud of being a minster of the word of God. There is honour in the work and it requires effort. It should be obvious that you can’t do it without the grace of God. Ask Him to help you at all times and you will never have any reason to be ashamed.

rightly dividing the word of truth – is to follow the true doctrine of the gospel of Jesus Christ. To rightly divide is to do all you can to feed all in your sphere of influence the word that will bless them taking into account their level of spiritual maturity.

Help me to understand that I am called to serve you. Help me to prioritise the study of your word so that I can improve myself. I know as I do so You will bless me because You will approve of me.
I must be proud of who I am in you. Shame must have no place in my thoughts in Jesus name. Let your name be glorified in Jesus name. Amen.